ch.21: Change of atmosphere

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After they returned back to the mansion and told everyone everything, the atmosphere drastically changed.

Everyone except Boboiboy and Solar became distant towards Thorn. He had expected that and didn't blame them for it, but it still hurts.

Even the servants became cold towards him, as they didn't trust him anymore. Especially near their beloved young master Boboiboy.

Despite all that, Thorn still tried his best to gain their forgiveness, even if it's hard.

"I'm so boredddd"Blaze whined as he threw a ball to a wall over and over again.

"Me too"Taufan sighed in frustration.

"Icy, do something"Blaze nagged.

"The hell am I supposed to do?"Ice asked while keeping his eyes close. "Entertain yourself."

Blaze frowned and huffed dramatically. "You're always so boring!"

"Exactly. So leave me alone."Ice said before he summoned an ice wall that seperated them.

"Ugh! Always so dramatic"Blaze complained.

Taufan's eyes filled with sadness as he watched the twin. He missed Thorn. He missed how they would play together and prank people as a trio, even when they had already became adults. He missed his innocent and oblivious nature. Yet, he still put a distance between Thorn and himself.

It was something he had never even thought could be possible. Thorn was the traitor all along. He had attacked him just to cover his identity. He broke his trust.

"Hey.."Blaze's surpringly soft voice brought him back to reality. "Are you okay?"

Just then he realized that he was crying and immediately wiped away his tears.

"Mhm, completely fine!"He quickly said as he turned around and pretended as if he was searching for a book to read in the bookshelves.

Blaze of course knew that it was a lie, but he didn't ask any further. They both knew the reason why and none of them wanted to speak about it.

As the silent became longer, Ice grumbled in frustration. He was mad at Thorn for making his twin sad. He was mad at himself for not finding out about it sooner. But most importantly, he was hurt by the betrayal.

As if he knew what was going on in his twin's head, Blaze melted the ice wall with his magic and patted Ice's head in a comforting manner.

He stayed silent and just snuggled closer to his twin. It hurts. He wished he never cared about Thorn in the first place, just like when they first met, but Thorn had gotten a place in his heart over the years, which was a rare case, but then he broke his trust and now he didn't know if he could really push him out of his heart.

At meantime, Solar was spending time with his brother while Boboiboy was eating cake with Thorn, far enough that they couldn't hear their conversation, but near enough that they could see them clearly.

"You really take your job seriously."Solar stated as Halilintar took a small glance at the other two.

"Of course I do. I'm responsible for his safety."Halilintar replied firmly.

"Mhm"Solar nodded in knowledge, but his thoughts were completely somewhere else.

All the drama about Thorn's betrayal can go on for all he cares, but it was something else when his brother was also involved.

He was frustrated with it. He didn't care about Thorn, nor is he that close to his brother. But seeing him on guard all the time with that stoic expression that hid the pain of betrayal in his heart really bothered him.

Even if he wasn't close to Halilintar, he was the closest to family that he had, and he was the first one to ever care for him.

It was still hard for him to accept the fact that he really does has a brother, but he didn't deny it either.

Having a brother, someone who actually cared about him was nice. Although he wasn't that pleased that his brother was worried 24/7 about Boboiboy's safety, especially when he was around Thorn.

"Your food is getting cold"Solar stated as he took a bite of his own food while ignoring the urge to tell him to stop staring at Thorn like a statue.

"Ah"Halilintar turned his attention back to his food and took a bite.

Solar's lips turned into a thin line as he tightened his grip on the fork. "He will be fine. He isn't a helpless kid"Solar said with no emotion in his voice.

"Hm.."Halilintar just hummed and slightly nodded in reply which frustrated him even more, but he didn't let it show.

"How much longer will this drama go?"Solar asked in his head.

Later that day Gempa was bringing some paperwork to Boboiboy's office when he noticed Thorn in the room too.

"Oh, hey Thorn.."Gempa said as calm as possible.

Unlike the others, he didn't avoid Thorn, but that doesn't mean that he forgave him. He was quite hurt by it, but he couldn't bring himself to be mad at him, especially after Boboiboy told him about Thorn's reasoning behind the betrayal.

"Hey Gem.."Thorn replied quietly.

Suddenly the warm atmosphere turned akward and filled with unspoken words that none of them dared to say.

The silence was getting overwelming, so Boboiboy spoke: "Well, christmas is near. Any ideas of what we should do this year?"

Every single year they would spend christmas at the mansion, but they would always try a new theme to make it more livelier since they weren't allowed to leave the mansion.

"Ah- Right, christmas"Gempa placed a hand on his chin. "I don't really have any ideas, but perhaps Blaze does? He is usually the one that come up with crazy ideas afterall"He sweatdropped. "Though, some of them are quite questionable.."

Boboiboy laughed akwardly when he remembered all of Blaze's weird ideas. "Sometimes, yes"

The two of them continued to talk while Thorn stayed quiet, but instead of the akward smile from before, he had a genuine smile plastered on his face.

"I miss them.."Thorn thought as he listened. "I hope we can be like how we used to be.."

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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