ch.23:A trip to the outside world

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Two years have passed every since and the long awaited day has finally came.

"Happy birthday!"Everyone shouted excitedly.

Boboiboy smiled and blew out the eighteen candles on the big cake in front of him.

"Now you are finally able to leave the mansion now!"Taufan said with a huge grin on his face.

"I can't wait to bring you to my favourite place!"Blaze said as he wrapped his hand around his shoulder while Ice nodded in agreement.

"We could go on a trip and see lots of new places!"Thorn said.

"That's a great idea. We could have fun and learn a lot while we travel"Gempa added.

Halilintar on the other hand was less amused than the others, which didn't go unnoticed by his brother.

"He will be fine"Solar said while crossing his arms. "Afterall, he isn't a child anymore."

During those two years, the two siblings have gotten quite close to each other, but none of them would admit it.

"Still.."Halilintar mumbled, but his frown dissappeared the moment he saw Boboiboy's bright smile.

As worried as he was, he was still happy for Boboiboy since it was something that he had always wished his entire life.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to finally go outside!"Boboiboy exclaimed with a smile.

"And this time with permission"Halilintar said while looking at a specific person with ocean blue eyes.

"Of course you reminded me.."Taufan grumbled.

The others looked at each other and chuckled. Those two always goes on each other's nerve.

"Young master"The butler bowed politely.

"Sir James, you know that you don't have to call me that."Boboiboy replied

"I insist"He replied and handed him a letter. "The malical kingdom has sent you a letter"

"That's sudden"Gempa said.

"Is it a threat?"Blaze asked, his wolf ears perked up as he put his guard up.

"Probably not, the malical kingdom are our friend"Boboiboy paused and as he read the letter.

"What is it?"Taufan asked in curiousity and read the paper.

"A ball!?"Blaze shouted after he also read the letter.

Dear Boboiboy,

We wish you a happy eighteen birthday. We, the malical kingdom, invite you to our kingdom for the spring ball this year. We hope that you will accept our invitation.

Your dear,
Malical kingdom.

"Woah"Thorn let out in awe.

"You're going to accept it right!??"Blaze asked excitedly.

"Sure, why not. They are our friend, especially the royalty."Boboiboy replied.

"But why the sudden invite? It's too sudden"Ice stated with skepcism in his voice.

"I agree. There must be something else behind their invitation."Solar agreed.

"But maybe also not. They are my parents' close friends, so perhaps they just want to meet me?"Boboiboy gussed.

"Maybe, but we should still be careful"Solar said while Halilintar and Ice nodded in agreement.

They didn't waste any time and prepared to leave, right the next morning since the festival was just a few days from now.

"Please take care of yourself and remember, don't trust anyone just because they are 'kind' to you."The butler reminded for the tenth time today.

"Yes, don't worry."Boboiboy smiled, appreciating his worry and couldn't help but feel a little sad as the butler reminded him of his grandfather.

"Come back safe!"All of the servants shouted as they waved him goodbye. Some were sad that he grew so fast, some was worried about his safety and the other half was happy that their yoing master finally got his freedom.

"I will miss them.."Boboiboy mumbled as they rode a carriege.

Gempa had suggested that they go by carriege instead of using teleportation magic to visit a few places along the way.

"Don't be sad"Taufan said as he patted his back. "Just a week and you will see them again."

Boboiboy nodded in respond and looked out of the carriege after Blaze pointed at the window.

"Wow.."He said in awe as they arrived at a village.

"Our first stop"Blaze grinned and pulled Boboiboy out without any warning. "Let's go!"

"Blaze!"Gempa shouted. "Don't run off on your own! You're going to get lost!"

"Don't worry, I already casted a tracking spell on him."Solar reassured as he had already predicted this to happen.

"That's a relief.."Gempa mumbled as he tried to find them in the crowd. "Cause I doubt we'd find them in this huge crowd.."

"Blaze wait for us!"Taufan shouted as he ran towards the direction Blaze dissappeared, along with Thorn behind him.

"This will be a long journey.."Halilintar sighed as he imagined the chaos the three of them going to cause.

"You're not going to follow your twin?"Solar asked when they were going to the other four in their own tempo.

"And tire myself out? No thanks."Ice replied, already wanting to sit down despite only moving for five minutes.

"Sometimes I wonder how you became an assasin when you're so lazy"Solar commented.

"It's the only job that doesn't require doing everyday, so I took it."Ice explained.

"Of course that your reasoning"Solar replied and Ice just shrugged in respond.

"How did they manage to reach the middle of the village already??"Gempa asked as he looked at the tracking man created by Solar.

"If they cause trouble right now.."Halilintar grumbled, not having the energy to deal with them since he hasn't gotten his morning coffee yet.

"I just hope they don't.."Gempa sighed.

Thank you for reading ^^

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