S.2 ch.15:Old friend

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"Done yet?"Jake asked in a bored tone.

"Get lost."Blaze growled.

He sighed. "Did you really think that none of us had tried to do that?"

"Get lost."Blaze repeated and showed his fangs to him.

"I'm not scared of you."He rolled his eyes.

"And I won't hesitate to rip you to shreds."Blaze countered.

"Agressive much."

"Suicidal much."

With a long exasperated sigh, Jake sat down on the floor next to him. "Seriously man, just stop. We all tried it for months to break out of this place, but nothing worked."

"Just because you gave up doesn't mean that I have to."Blaze punched the door once again.

"Still as stubborn as ever."Jake sighed again. "Look, I'm sorry for the past okay? I didn't.."He gulped. "I didn't mean to get you kicked out.."

"I know."Blaze said without looking at him. As annoying as he was, Jake wasn't evil. He too was a child like he was.

"Flame brain!"Jake taunted.

"Hah!? What did you call me!?"Blaze stomped to him.

"Flame brain~"Jake teased with a grin.

"You-!"Blaze started chasing him while he ran away.

"Hahaha, catch me if you can!"He stuck out his tounge at him which angered even more.

"Oh, just you wait!"Blaze jumped with the intention to pounce on him, but he quickly dodged.

"Bleh! Too slow!"Jake continued to taunt him as he ran and climb up a high tree.

"Ugh!"Blaze huffed and followed him.

Jake watched him struggle to climb up with an arrogant smile. "Need help buddy?"

"No!"Blaze puffed his cheeks and stuck his little claws onto the three to get a secure grip.

"So stubborn~"He teased.

Blaze's face was red from anger and embarrassment as he pouted and continued to climb despite falling back down every single time.

"You should really grow out your claws!"Jake shouted.

Just then the branch Jake was sitting on broke and he fell down with a loud thud. He cried out in pain while Blaze rushed to him. "Jake!"

"Hiks.. it hurts..!"He sobbed.

"Jake!"An adult came to Jake's aid.

"He-"Blaze was cut off by the adult. "How dare you hurt him you devil! You should be grateful that we even let you live with us!"

"Mom-"Jake tried to explain, but his mother didn't let him speak.

"Oh sweety, what did that devil do to you?"She soothed and carried him to the den while shooting glares at Blaze.

"But I didn't do anything.."Blaze mumbled as he watched them go. He could see Jake's blue eyes looking at him with helplesness.

"So.. you're not mad at me..?"Jake asked hesitantly.

"No, you're just annoying."Blaze said bluntly.

"Of course that's your reply."Jake deadpanned.

The latter simply shrugged and continued to bang on the door.

"You know, Max isolated himself after he kicked you out."Jake suddenly said.

For a second he frozed, but continued to punch. "I don't care."He growled with hatred.

"Oh really? Then why did your eyes softened when you saw the scar on his left eye earlier?"

"No, I didn't.."Blaze mumbled, doubting his own words. Did he really? He couldn't possibly care about him could he..?

His old friend sighed. "He got that scar from the hunters."

That information replaced Blaze's selfdoubt with anger once again. They did what?

"He took the blame when someone failed to break out. And now.."He swalled hard. "He can only see with one eye."

As much as Blaze wanted to ignore it, he couldn't. Because there was once a time when his uncle still cared about him.

"Papa look!"Little Blaze said excitedly as he hugged his legs with his tiny hands.

The latter froze before he shook himself awake. "No, not papa. But uncle."

He placed the toddler on his lap and patted his head. "I'm your uncle not father. And don't ever say 'papa' again okay? Not to me, not to anyone."He said gently.

"Why not?"Little Blaze tilted his head to the side. His round cherry red eyes looked at him innocently.

"You will understand when you're older."He kissed his forehead before tickling him. "Now who wants to eat?!"

"Me!"He said while laughing.

Blaze swallowed hard at the memory. That was the last time before his uncle turned his back to him.

"Anyways, how did you end up here?"Jake changed the topic after seeing Blaze's reaction.

"I was with my family when I got attacked."Blaze replied in a rather quiet voice.

"Your family?"That surprised the latter. "Did you get adopted or something??"

"No,"Blaze shook his head. "I simply see them as my family."

"Ah, I see."Jake nodded and drank some water. "What tribe are they?"He didn't bother asking about being in a pack, already knowing the answer.

"Mostly human. But my twin is a mermaid and Gemgem is a dragon."Blaze replied honestly.

Jake almost chocked on the water he was drinking. "Hold up- since when do you have a twin?? And how the heck did you end up with a dragon!??"

"Long story short, my master took Gempa in and I adopted Ice."

That only made his confusion grow. "Your master?? Did you lost your dignity or something!? And what you mean you adopted him!?"

"I did not lost my dignity! Boboiboy is a very kind master!"Blaze huffed approvingly. "He was the one who took me and Ice in! And also, yes I did adopt Ice."

"Okay, scratch the first point. Explain to me how the heck you adopted a twin?? Did you randomly found a same looking kid and adopted him or something!?? Wait- that doesn't make sense, twins are always the same age... my head hurts-!"

"Wha-?"Blaze thought about what Jake was saying and find himself getting confused aswell. "The hell are you talking about man!??"

"I don't know! You tell me!"

"Hah!?? Why me!?"

"You're the one who said adoption!"

"But you're the one with the weird assumption!"


"What heh!?"

Meanwhile the hunter who was told to keep guard in front of the door let out a deep sigh. "I don't get paid enough for this.."

A little bonding to lighthen the mood (~-v-)~

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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