S.2 ch.1:A princess's wish

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Today is the fourth day of Boboiboy's stay in the malical kingdom.

After all the parties and tour around the capital and the castle, he decided to visit the castle's library which is well known for their magical books.

"Welcome, is there anything I can help you with?"The librarian asked.

"No, thank you"Boboiboy smiled and went towards the magic book section where there were flying books moving on its own. "Woah.."He watched them in awe without thinking of his surrounding and accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay I don't mind"A girl with a pink hijab said as she smiled sweetly. "It's your first time here, I understand the feeling. I was like that too"

Boboiboy's eyes widen in surprise when he finally realized who she was, so he quickly bowed to her. "I'm so sorry princess!"

She chuckled and shook her head. "As I already said, it's fine"

"Thank you for forgiving me my lady"He sighed in relief before panicking once again.

"Wait- did I just call her 'my lady'?? Oh no! I should've called her your highness right? Right...? Boboiboy what have you done!??"He cried internally while she giggled.

"No need to panic, I prefer to not be called by my title anyway"Her smile became even sweeter. "Just call me Yaya"

Boboiboy nodded and smiled shyly. "I see, it's nice to finally meet you"

Due to the ball and the princess' busy schedules, they weren't able to properly meet each other and had only see one another from afar.

Before the princess could say anything, a girl with dark blue hair arrived while carrying a picnic basket in her hands.

"Yaya!"She called and stopped by her side. "I've set everything, we can have a picnic now! Did you found the book you want to read?" She then noticed Boboiboy's presence and she bowed politely. "Greeting sir Delamore"

"No need to bow" Boboiboy waved his hands. "Just Boboiboy is enough"

The girl smiled, raised herself back up and extended her hand. "In that case, my name is Ying it's nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too"Boboiboy returned the gesture.

She then turned to the princess. "Ready now or should I help you find the book you need?"

"I got a little distracted"Yaya admitted. "Could you please find the book for me? It's called 'a broken empire'."

"Of course! It's my job to assist you anyway!"Ying ran to get the book and returned in a matter of seconds. "Here you go"

"Woah so fast"Boboiboy blurred out.

"Why thank you! Speed is my specialty"Ying grinned.

"Is that your magic?"He asked with excitement as this was his first time to see this kind of magic.

"Yup! I use time magic, meaning that I can control the time around me"She explained.

"That's so cool!"


Yaya smiled at their interaction, happy that her lady in waiting has found another noble that she liked as she wasn't much of a fan of nobility.

"If you don't mind, would you like to have a picnic with us?"Yaya asked.

"Um.."He imagined them sitting alone in a garden, talking to the two of them on his own. "Erm well.."

"You can of course bring your friends with you if you wish to do so"Yaya added.

He smiled and happily agreed. "Sure, I'd love too!"

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