S.2 ch.5:The devil back alive

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"He didn't do anything!"Taufan shouted as he shielded Boboiboy, along with Gempa and Thorn while Blaze and Ice were ready to fight.

"That is true"The guard nodded. "However, his future actions will be the doom of this world"

All of them froze, not believing their ears. Blaze was ready to fight and protect his master, but Gempa stopped him and spoke instead:"I'm sorry, but I think there's a misunderstanding here"

"I'm certain not"The guard said. "Please come with us voluntarily or we would be forced to use our weapons"

"I.."Boboiboy looked around, not knowing what to do, fear striking in as he didn't want any trouble.

"Shadow fog!"Someone shouted and suddenly everything turned black, their sight blinded by darkness.

"Who is-"Blaze couldn't finish his sentence before he got pulled away.

"Blaze-!"Ice followed his twin while Yaya and Ying also dissappeared along with him.

"Ice!"Taufan shouted, but his reply never came. "Ugh, I can't see a thing.. wait, is that?" "Ah!"He shouted as he was too now dragged somewhere along with Boboiboy whom he had shielded.

"Where did everyone go..?"Thorn mumbled, clinging to Gempa as he feared to be left alone in the unknown.

"Ah!!"He screamed as both him and Gempa got pulled away too.

"Shh! Thorn it's me!"Solar shook him to his sense.

"Sunshine?"Tears welled up in his eyes as he hugged him tightly. "Uwahh!! I was so scared!"

"There, there"Solar hugged him back and patted his head while trying to look as normal as possible despite being suffocated by the hug.

"Alright, teleportion in 1 2 3!"Taufan shouted and all of them dissappeared.

"We lost them!"The guard shouted. "Search them!"

"Is everyone okay?"Gempa asked to the group.

"Yes"They replied.

"And who is he?"Blaze asked with clear distrust, his ears and tail perked up, ready to pounce.

Ice stood silently beside him, keeping his eyes on the unknown guest while still staying close to his twin, afraid that he would dissappear.

"It's nice to finally meet you"Fang bowed. "My name is Fang, the prince of the Shadow kingdom"

"The prince??"Thorn let out in confusion.

He nodded and told them everything that he had told Solar and Halilintar.

"There's no way that Boboiboy is going to be our doom!"Blaze growled, his teeth gritted together as he suddenly have the urge to pierce whoever that person that claimed so apart.

"Blaze"Boboiboy softly said which brought him back to his sense.

"Sorry.."His ears and tail fell down, head hanging low to the ground.

"It's okay"Boboiboy smiled and gently patted his head, earning a happy purr from him.

"No fair!"Thorn and Taufan thought at the same time, glaring at their fellow trio member while he stuck out his tounge at them.

Almost everyone smiled at their interaction, brightening the mood effectively.

On the other hand, Fang simply watched them, lost in his thoughts as he seemed to search something.

His behaviour didn't go unnoticed by Halilintar who alarmed Solar about it.

"Could you tell us more about the curse?"Solar cut through the happy mood, returning it back to gloom. "Or perhaps any information that could help us?"

The prince fell silence, hesitating as he looked at Boboiboy's direction who was completely clueless to everything.

"Something on your mind?"Solar raised an eyebrow.

He took a deep breath and pointed at Boboiboy, all eyes directed at him as Boboiboy's guardians are ready to strike if he dare does anything.

"There's something omnimious about you"He simply said. "I can feel it"

Everyone silenced, looking back and forth as they couldn't believe their ears.

"Care to elaborate?"Solar crossed his arms.

"I'm the prince of the Shadow kingdom, I've been associated with dark magic all my life"He explained and returned to look at Boboiboy once again. "There is a dangerously strong aura of dark magic surrounding him"

"Are you sure that it's not something else?"Now it was Taufan who spoke. "I have not once felt that kind of energy from him"

Fang nodded. "It's not the type that is easy to detect, but as I already said, I'm used to it and can easily see it"

"Does it drain his lifespan..?"Gempa suddenly asked which scared everyone, but it was common that dark magic steal someone's lifespan. And if that was the case.. he wants to get rid of it as soon as possible.

"Hm.."Fang thought for a moment, analysing Boboiboy from head to toe. "Surpringly not"His answer reliefed everyone. "But.. It didn't spread to any of you either"

"Right, dark magic usually spread to their surrounding, no matter how small it may be"Ying thought out loud. "Just a little touch of it is enough to have it spread through your entire body, so why don't any of us have it?"

"Do you have a theory?"Solar asked the prince.

"Sadly not, but that definitely has something to do with the prophecy"Fang said. "Something related.."

"But why is Boboiboy called to be the doom of our world..? That can't be true.."Thorn said. He betrayed him and was forgiven. How can someone like that be evil?

"That's what I thought"Fang agreed. "I had did my research and spectaluation, but it simply didn't make sense. But perhaps the prophecy meant something different"

"Hm.. see from a different angle.."Ice mumbled.

demise on his side as the doom of this world is near

With seven under his influence, ready for violance, ready for everything.

"No, that's not it.. with demise on his side.."He thought once again.

Doom is near, the devil back alive, save yourselves from their wrath, a bloodbad begin and never be stopped

"Doom is near, the devil.."An answer blinked in his head. "The devil back alive!"He exclaimed.

"The devil..?"Boboiboy asked in fear.

"No, not exactly"Solar said. "Something is 'back alive', so something from the past has reappeared. And that something has to be the cause of the dark magic surrounding Boboiboy. Isn't that right Ice?"

The said person nodded. "We will have to search for something from the past. Perhaps even ancient"

The two of them looked at the two rulers and their master. "Any idea?"

"I could ask the king for help, but I doubt we will find anything. Anything with dark magic have long been banned from the kingdom" Boboiboy replied.

Yaya shook her head. "I've been to the library countless of times, there's nothing. Every single library or bookstore in my empire only has copies of the palace's books so it can't be in any of them"

"I'm not sure about my empire"Fang admitted. "There are too many dark magic, too many crimes hidden in the dark"He sighed. "Not my proudest, but neither I do know much about my own palace. There are too many secret rooms for various secret of the past"

"Then we will have to search there"Ice stated.

"Yes, but we will have to be careful"Fang warned. "My brother has spies everywhere that not even I can help"

"Then we will need a plan"Solar said, his voice firm and serious.

More mystery :D

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^ feel free to correct me anytime :^

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