S.2 ch.13:Old acquaintance

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"Let me go!"Blaze yelled as he banged on the iron door, trying to break it with his claws but it was too thick for him to break.

"It won't work."Ice sighed and looked at his chained hands. Blaze had already tried to break his chain, but it was covered with magic protection.

"Ugh! I fucking hate hunters!"Blaze stomped his feet on the ground and tried to break the metal dog collar around his neck but to no avail.

"That won't work either."Ice stated.

"I know, but it's annoying me! I'm not a fucking dog damn it!"He rolled on the ground, still trying to break free of the collar that restrained his magic.

Ice sighed and kept the comment about him acting like a dog at the moment to himself. His brother is frustrated enough, no need to put fuel into the fire.

Suddenly the iron door opened with a loud bang and Blaze immediately pounced on them, only to cry out in pain before even reaching them as the collar electroduced him.

"Blaze!"Ice rushed his side and pulled him away from their kidnapper so the collar will stop.

"Tch, still haven't learned. Typical werewolf."A hunter rolled his eyes.

Blaze growled at the insult, wanting to rip him to shreds but unable to do so.

"You,"The hunter pointed at Ice. "Come with us or else."He held up a remote that controlled Blaze's collar.

They had explained how the collar works to them to scare them even more. Not only can the collar electrify Blaze, but it can also suffocate and pierce him to death.

With hatred in his eyes, Ice complied and followed them to another room while Blaze was escorted somewhere else.

"Oh come on now, don't look at me like that."The hunter smiled innocently. "I'm just doing my job~. Besides, the bounty set on you is quite high. Nothing personal buddy, just business." They shrugged.

The latter didn't speak a word and simply glared at him, but that glare soon changed to surprise and horror when he saw another person entering.

"Where is Ice!?"Blaze growled, but kept his distance from the hunter that was leading him somewhere else.

"None of your business."They said coldly.

"It certainly is! He is my twin brother!"Blaze shouted.

"Oh please,"They turned to him. "We both know that he isn't your twin brother."

"Just because we're different species-"

"Doesn't mean that you're not related?"They finished his sentence. "We're aware that it is possible, even if it's extremly rare. But you're not fooling us, we know who he really is and you too Blaze Nova."

He frozed and stared at him in horror. No! No! No! If the hunter know then that means that they will come.

"Scared little wolf~?"They taunted. "How pathetic."

With that, he was pushed into another room and fell face flat on the ground. He didn't waste any second and immediately banged on the door.

"Don't you dare give him to them! Let him go! I swear if you do..!" He growled out in anger, his werewolf eyes burning with hatred and anger. I'll kill you!

He scratched on the iron door with all his might and this time, he managed to damage it.

Blood dripped down from his claws, but he didn't even feel the pain as anger took his senses away. A wicked smile swirled on his mouth as he realized that he had a chance of breaking out and continued to scratch the iron wall.

"Shit- this maniac!"The hunter quickly grabbed his remote and electrified Blaze.

The electrcution stopped him for a second, but he continued through the pain, led by anger and desperation.

"Tch."They were about to push another button that pierce Blaze's throat, but were stopped by another hunter.

"Are you out of your mind!?"They yelled while holding their hand firmly. "We need him to control the mermaid!"

"Tch."The hunter slapped their hand away from theirs and pointed at Blaze on the other side of the iron door. "He's going crazy!"

"Then give him sedative idiot!"They yelled back and pulled out a dose of sedative from their pocket. "Why else did our leader tell us to carry sedative at all times!?"

"Tch.."They grumbled while their coworker fought with Blaze to inject the sedative to him.

"Help me you idiot!"

"Ugh, fineee."

In the meantime Ice is glaring at the person in front of him. He was itching to grab the small dagger hidden in his boots and stab them, but of course that wasn't able due to his chain.

"Hi Icy~ or should I say Ais?"The woman giggled.

"Oh come on, don't look at me like that Ais~"She leaned closer while Ice leaned as far as he could away from her. "Don't you miss me darling~?"

"Don't call me that." Ice hissed, his fangs on clear display.

"Now, now, don't be like that,"She grinned, her deep blue eyes gleaming with cold anger. "I should be the one that is angry after you left me."

"I rather die than stay with a witch like you."He scoffed.

She slammed her hand on the table before holding his chin. "What happened to you my dear? You used to be so sweet."

"You meant stupid."He hissed. "You played me like a doll."

"And? You were still a sweet boy back then,"She shrugged. "But now.."She examined his face and her face morph into disgust. "You're just like that dirty beast."

The anger in his eyes only intensified with the mention of Blaze. "And you're a manipulative witch!"

She ignored his remark and flicked her fingers to get rid of any magic used on Ice.

His human disguise dissappeared, revealing his ocean blue fish scales, hair and his mermaid eyes. But not only did he turn into his real form, his facial features also changed, making him look like a completely different person.

He hissed while she smiled. "Now that's my husband!"

Was it predictable? I hope not- I gave little hints in the stories, but I hope it wasn't too predictable for you 😅

Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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