S.2 ch.14:reunion

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"Ugh.. my head.."Blaze raised his hands to touch his head when he suddenly felt metal instead on skin. "Huh??"

He looked at his hands and his face morphed into annoyence. "And now I'm chained too!?"

"Oh look who is awake."Someone said with annoyence in their voice.

Blaze froze from the familiar voice and slowly raised his head to look at the person. "Jake..?"

"Tch."He crossed his arms. Green werewolf eyes glaring at him. "Long time no see devil."

His surprise quickly changed to hatred as he realized who the people surrounding him were. "As arrogant as ever huh?"

That angered him and he took a step towards him. "How dare you-!"

"One more step and I will fucking kill you."Blaze threatened with deadly eyes.

The latter flinched but stayed his ground. "You're bluffing. You can't even attack me with those chains around your hands."

"So? I still have my fangs."Blaze stated. "Or I could just punch you with the chains."

"Tch. Still cocky as ever."Jake scoffed.

"H-hey.."Another werewolf hesitantly approached him to make him stop, but quickly backed away when Blaze pounced on Jake.

"Argh! What the hell-!"Jake exclaimed as he tried to push Blaze away with all his might.

"Jake!"A werewolf shouted and tried to pull Blaze away from him with two other werewolves' help.

Blaze growled and moved agressively, causing them to get hit by the metal chains and bitten by his fangs.

"Argh!" They cried out in pain and let go of Blaze.

"That's enough!"A werewolf shouted in a loud voice while looking down on them.

Everyone stopped and looked at him with fear and respect in their eyes. Everyone except Blaze.

"What happened to you old man?"Blaze sneered as he let go of Jake and stared right into the man's eyes.

"Show respect to the alpha will you!?"Jake scolded.

At that statement Blaze rolled his eyes and tch-ed. "Show respect? Why should I? His not my alpha. Or did you forget that I was kicked out of the pack?"

"That's enough Blaze."The man sighed.

"You don't have any right to command me! Not after you abandoned me!"Blaze yelled, not able to hold back his anger. He will never forgive them for it.

"I know."His tired brown eyes met angry red ones. "Please, just calm down.."

"The hell should I calm down!?"Blaze growled and took a step closer to him which alarmed the rest of the pack, but the alpha held up his hand to stop them. "I have every right to be mad after you abandoned me in that river!"

"Where are we going old man?"Blaze asked impatiently.

The latter didn't spoke and simply stopped in front of a river before looking at him with cold eyes.

"What? Gonna lecture me again?"Blaze rolled his eyes. "You know that doesn't work on me."

"I'm kicking you out of our pack."He said without any emotion.

Blaze frozed, his eyes becoming big as he looked at him. "B-but I didn't do anything wrong! Jake was the one who attacked me first!"

"You're a danger to our pack." Was his simple reply.

His reason made Blaze clenched his fist. "I-I'm a werewolf..!"He exclaimed with shaky voice, as if doubting his own words. "I-I'm not-"

"Enough."His harsh voice made Blaze flinch. "Blaze Nova, you are kicked out from our pack and will live as a lone wolf from now on."

With that, he turned to walk back to their home, but Blaze held his hand to stop him.

"N-no, p-please don't leave me alone! I will behave I promise!"Blaze sobbed. "Please don't leave me uncle!"

His brown eyes showed no pity as he harshly pushed Blaze away from him, causing him to stumble back, trip over a stone and falling into the river.

"Uncle..!"Blaze screamed in fear as he moved his hands as fast as possible to keep himself above the surface.

Instead of helping him, the leader simply turned around and walked away while Blaze was swept away by the strong river. "Uncle!"

"I know."He repeated. "Just please calm down. For our all sake."

"To hell with your sake!"Blaze yelled, his voice slightly breaking. He felt like a child once again in front of the man that he once loved so much.

"Blaze.."His voice softened.

It took all his strength not to crumble and break down in tears after hearing his soft voice. The gentle voice that comforted him when he had nightmares. But that gentle voice also belonged to the man who abandoned him.

Blaze shook his head and walked to the iron door once again. "This isn't important. What important is to get out of here with Ice before that crazy witch take him!"He reminded himself and banged on the door.

"It's no use!"Jake shouted to him, but Blaze ignored him. "Ugh this kid..!"

"Let him be."The alpha sighed. "There's no use talking to him."

A tear rolled down Blaze's cheek at the familiarity of that sentence, but quickly wiped it away and continued to bang on the door. Just ignore it. He told himself.

"That kid! He never learns!"Someone scoffed.

"Let him be, there is no use talking to a devil's child."

Behind the wall stood the said boy and clenched the flowers in his hands that he had picked in the forest as an apology for accidentally burning their clotches. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he ran away and dropped the flowers on the ground.

"Why is evewyone so mean to me?"The little boy sobbed under a tree far away from their den.

Thank you for reading and I hope you like it ^^

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