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"I don't mind him staying here."Boboiboy said which relieved me.

As much as I care for Boboiboy, Solar is still my little brother. I won't let him go back to...whoever they were.

My gut tells me that I shouldn't let him go.

But I still don't understand. Why was he with them in the first place? Why wasn't he with mom and dad? Just what happened after I left?

"Thank you.."I replied and got out of the room.

"Hm?"I looked around when I felt like someone was watching me, but I couldn't find anyone, so I went back to my room.

I raised my eyebrow when I saw Solar suspiciously looking at the wall, as if he tries to look less suspicious.

"What?"He asked.

"Nothing.."I replied and checked the magic spell.

It's still in tact..maybe it was just my feelings.

"Why do you want to know about my conection to the intruder so much?"Solar suddenly asked.

"Because I want to help you."I replied.

It was the truth. He was supposed to live a normal life. It might not be the best life, but atleast it wasn't a dangerous one.

He hesitated before he finally spoke. "I work for them. Well, I'm obligated to work for them."

"Obligated?"I asked.

"I'm their slave.."Solar replied in an embarrassed and hatred filled voice.

"What?"I asked, my voice getting colder.

He was supposed to have a normal live. A happy one.

"I'm their slave."Solar repeated.

Anger rised in me as I clenched my fist until it bleeds.

Those bastard!

"What wong?"My little brother asked as he held the hem of my shirt.

I can't tell him that our parents want to sell him to some scientist can I?

"It's nothing, don't worry."I reassured him and patted his head.

"Weally?"He asked.

"Yes, really."I lied.

How can they be so cruel and sell a four year old child?

"Why don't you go take a nap, hm? I want to talk to mom and dad for a moment."I said.

"But Solar want to sleep with bwoter Hali.."My little brother said while looking at me with those innocent eyes of his.

"We can sleep together in a few minutes. I won't take long, promise."I said.

"Okay!"He gave me a quick hug before he ran to our room.

Now that that's done..

"Mom,dad?"I said as I knocked on their door.

"Come in."Mom said.

"What do you want?"Dad asked irritated.

"Are you really going to sell him to them?"I asked with hope in them.

They may be a bad parent, but I still hoped that they atleast have a heart.

"Of course we are!"Mom said as if that was the most obvious thing.

"But he is just four!"I argued and got a slap from my dad in return.

"Be grateful that we didn't sell you!"My dad shouted.

"Your dad is right. You should be grateful that we sell that nuisance instead of you."Mom said. "That way he will atleast be useful."

"Please don't.."I pleaded. "I will work more! You can take all of my money! Please, just don't sell him!"

"Tch. You really think that you can ever earn that much money as they are offering us?"Dad mocked.

"Please! I do anything, just don't sell him!"I continued to beg.

Mom sighed in annoyence. "You're just a kid. How much can you possibly earn?"

Much more than you.

"Tch. This fucking annoying."Dad complained.

"I told you not to talk in front of him, didn't I?"Mom said.

"I didn't expect him to understand! He is eight for fuck sake."Dad replied.

I may be young, but my mind is beyond my age. I just wish that my body was the same. If I were older, then I could take him away from them and we would live happily together..

"We already sold him. They will take him away later."Mom said.

"Then take me instead!"I shouted.

Anything just not him.

"Oh? Playing the hero I see?"Dad mocked as he crossed his arms.

"I would be more useful for them! I can take more pain than he does. I won't try to escape either!"I reasoned.

"Even so. You're also more useful to us than he is."Mom said, not convinced by me at all.

"He doesn't need as much food as I do and he will also be able to do the things that I do in a few years!"I reasoned.

"That's way too long! We aren't doing it all over again!"Dad yelled.

Damn it, I don't know what else to say!

I gritted my teeth and got on my knees. "Please I beg you! Sell me instead and let him be!"

Luckily after a few persuasion and beatings from them, I manage to convince them.

"Where are you going?"Solar asked as he held my hand.

"I have to go somewhere else.."I patted his head.

"But I don't want you to go..."Solar said as tears formed in his head.

I sighed and crouched down on his level. "I will come find you one day, I promise."

"Weally? You won't forget me?"He asked.

"I won't, I promise. It may take a long time, but I promise that I will find you. And then we will leave happily together."

"Just like we dreamt of?"Solar asked.

"Just like we dreamt of."I smiled and hugged him for the last time before the scientist took me.

"Are you okay..?"Solar asked when my hands kept bleeding.

"I'm fine."I said through gritted teeth and let go of my fist.

"What else have you done for them?"I asked in a serious tone.

He told me everything. How our parents sold him at the age of six. How he was treated. All the things that he had done for them.

"Where are you going?"He asked when I stood up to leave.

"Nothing you need to know."I said firmly. I paused for a second and looked  at him. "You're not their slave from now one and you're staying here with me."

All those years that I thought he had a decent life...when he actually suffered like I did.

I then left without looking back, leaving him alone in my room.

"I want to make a request."I said as I kneeled in front of Boboiboy.

You probably noticed it. I changed the perspective. It won't be forever though. Just one or two more chapters,I haven't decided yet. :^

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