S.2 ch.16:Breakout

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"Let me see him."Ice hissed with a hatred filled eyes.

"You don't need to see that dirty beast. And remember dear, misbeheave and he will die."The girl threatened.

She was truly testing his patience. If it weren't for the chains then Ice would've long killed her.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm simply bringing you back to where you belong."She casually said as if she hadn't threatened to kill Blaze if he didn't comply.

"I definitely do not belong with you."He hissed.

"Nonsense! You're my husband, as a married couple we should stay together!"She said in a fake sweet tone. "Afterall, you're mine."

"Tch."He gritted his teeth, knowing that she was right. But even so.. he refuses to accept it.

"Now, can I trust you that you won't attack me when I release you? Or,"She held up a remote. "Do I have to force you to beheave."

"I won't attack you.."Ice said through gritted teeth.

"Good."She snapped with her fingers, signaling the hunters to release him from his chains.

"How can I trust you that you won't kill him when we leave?"He asked with clear distrust.

"Don't worry, as much as I want to get rid of him, I still need him to control you."Her deep blue eyes gleamed with evilness as she spoke. "And the hunters are there to watch over him."

"Working with our enemy, such a good leader you are."Ice said sarcastically. She spoke with disgust about him being with Blaze, yet she herself worked with hunters, the mortal enemy to all mystic.

She shrugged, her ocean blue hair falling down her back. "I did what I had to do."

They walked through the long labyrinth like hallways of the building that awfully resembled a dungeon.

"Don't even think of doing something funny. I can sense your magic."She reminded with a poisonous smile.

"I know."He said coldly and glared at her.

Little did she know that he can still contact Blaze, atleast for a split second without her noticing.


The latter immediately froze at hearing his name being called through a mental connection. "Ice?"


He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist at hearing the---unfortunately--- familiar name. Where are you? He asked through the connection, but there came no answer.

"Damn it!"He punched the door harshly, metal clirring sound echoed through the room.

"I told you that it wouldn't-"Jake became quiet when he saw Blaze furious expression. Not the anger he easily get, but the anger that burns like his magic. "What's wrong?"

"Ice is in danger."Blaze said, his voice dangerously low.

"How do you-"Jake shook his head. "I don't want to say this, but it's impossible to get out of here buddy."

"No, it's not."He held his chain covered hands in front of him. "Get rid of it."

His friend frowned. "I can't-"

"You have too!"Blaze exclaimed. "Get rid of it!"

Jake seemed to be conflicted as he knew for sure that he couldn't break through metal, however..

"Wait- I know who can break it for you!"He grabbed Blaze's hand and pulled him.

"What are they doing?"A werewolf asked as they watched them go towards a dragon.

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