ch.19:Traitor in action

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"Do you think that he would like it?"Boboiboy asked as they walked towards the magic tower with a box of cookies in his hands.

"I'm sure he will. They like everything you give them."Solar added.

Boboiboy smiled and opened the door. "Taufan, I bought you cookies!"He looked around, but couldn't find him anywhere. "Hm? Where is he?"

"Wait here."Solar ordered and placed a spell on the room to check for any suspicious magic.

"What's wrong?"Boboiboy asked, both confused and worried.

"I can sense Taufan's magic, but there is also an unknown magic.."He mumbled. " feels so familiar, yet so diffrent."

"What do you mean?"Boboiboy asked, his worry growing even stronger.

"The traitor was here!"Solar revealed. "Stay here, I will go check the surrounding. There might be a clue."

He nodded and stayed there, waiting and worrying about Taufan.

"Why isn't he here? Did the traitor attack him?"Boboiboy asked himself.

"Meow!"Cactus meowed as he jumped on his lap.

"Oh-, hey Cactus."Boboiboy smiled and stroked his fur.

While caressing him, he noticed that Cactus's old necklace was replaced by a new one.

"Did Thorn give you a new necklace?"He asked as he touched it.

Suddenly his body froze, his vision became blurry, his head felt dizzy and the next thing he knew, he was locked up in a cage.

"W-wha-"He looked around. "Where am I!?"

"You're finally awake."A figure said as they came out of the shadow.

Boboiboy immediately turned towards the voice and was surprised by the familiar person in front of him.

"Thorn..?"Boboiboy asked in disbelief.

"That's me!"He smiled. "Did you enjoy my roleplay all this years?"

" can't be! This must be a nightmare..!"Boboiboy lied to himself, not wanting to accept it.

"Sadly, it's not. I am in fact the traitor"Thorn said. "Why do you think was I there at the perfect moment to save you back then? It was all planned!"

"Why..?"He asked, his voice filled with hurt and betrayal.

"I have my reason"Thorn replied.

Boboiboy looked at the ground, fighting back his tears. "Was everything a lie? Was any of it real?"

"Of course not. It was all a play to deceive you"Thorn's eyes softened as he saw Boboiboy's tears. "You shouldn't have trusted me back then.."

And with that, he left him alone in that dark room, locked in a small iron cage with no weapon nor any opportunity to escape.

"Good job, you did your job well."A woman said as she patted Thorn's head.

"Thank you mother"Thorn smiled.

"Now we can finally get our revenge!"A man exclaimed in joy. "The Delamore's household will finally lost their power and our family will be back in power!"

The Blackwood household was once a strong and honorable family, along with the Delamore's household. However, they didn't want to share power with them and planned their downfall. They are the one in charge of the missing and dead children of the Delamore's. They did everything to ruin them.

However their plan was discovered, resulting in them losing their power and thrown into the streets. As corrupted as they were, they swore to get revenge and earn their power back. Each generation passed their revenge to the next one, creating a chain of hatred towards the Delamore..

"Finally, it has been hundreds of years."The woman said with venom in her sweet voice.

"Aren't you excited son?"The man asked.

"Of course father. It has always been my dream."Thorn replied with a smile.

"That's my son!"His dad smiled proudly for a second before he began telling him of all things that he is going to do with their power.

After that, Thorn returned to his chamber and laid down on the bed.

"Meow!"Cactus jumped on his stomach.

"Hey Cactus.."Thorn was about to pet him, but then he bit his finger and hissed at him. "Don't be like that, you know that I didn't have a choice."

"Meow!"Cactus meowed in disagreement.

"It's the only way to win their love.."He mumbled.

Cactus meowed sadly and rubbed his face on Thorn's stomach.

Hours passed and Thorn's parents called him to come to the prison.

"You called mother?"Thorn asked.

"Yes! You're father has a surprise for you."She said with a bright smile.

"A surprise?"He turned to his father.

"Yes, I will let you have the honor to kill the last descendant of Delamore."His father said.

Thorn froze. "What?"

"We have to kill them so that there won't be any Delamores in this world anymore" His dad explained which made Thorn's eyes filled with horror.

"You never mentioned killing him..!"Thorn exclaimed.

"So? That shouldn't be a problem for you" His dad narrowed his eyes. "Or perhaps there is?"

Thorn flinched and shook his head. "No father.."

"Good, then kill him."His dad handed him an old fashioned gun.

He took a step to the front and pointed the gun with shaky hands.

"Thorn..?"Boboiboy mumbled.

His breath became unsteady as he placed his finger on the trigger.

"I'm sorry.."



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