S.2 ch.17:The princess of siren

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"Sooo, mind explaining why the heck the queen of the sea wants Ice??"Taufan asked on their way to the ocean.

"Because Ice is her husband."Blaze replied casually.

Halilintar almost chocked on the water he was drinking while Boboiboy patted his back.

"That's a joke right?"Solar asked.


"Ice is married??"Thorn asked in confusion.

"Sadly."Blaze sighed.

"I think we need an explaination."Gempa said to which everyone agreed.


"Wait! Wait! Wait!"Blaze exclaimed. "You're married!?"

"Yes.."Ais mumbled.

"Aren't you 7 years old!??" Ais nodded to his confusion. "Dude what."

"I didn't have a choice.."He whispered while fidgetting with his fingers.

"Of course you do! That's fricking marriege! Even someone as dumb as me knows that!"Blaze said.

Ais stared at him in disbelief. Did he just admits on being dumb?

"Why didn't you disagree?? I mean, you ran away so why did you not disagree in the first place??"

"If I did then they would've started a war.. and now that I ran away.."He swallowed hard.

"Oh.."Blaze's voice became quieter.

"So a forced marriege."Solar concluded with a sigh.

"Poor Ice.."Yaya mumbled with everyone nodding in agreement.

"I assume that Ice isn't his real name then?"Fang asked.

"No, his real name is Ais Blizzard."Blaze confirmed which made it click in Fang's head.

"'Ais Blizzard, a runaway prince who left his people to their doom.'"Fang quoted a line from a neswpaper.

"Tch, so you read the newspaper huh?"Blaze crossed his arms. "Whoever wrote that, I hope I get to meet them so I could punch them. They don't even know the truth!"

"Wait, so does that mean that Ice's people got killed?"Ying asked and her face morphed into horror when Blaze nodded.

"Mostly yes. Some of them were sklaved while some betrayed their kingdom and joined them."

"That's so cruel.."Thorn mumbled.

"What about Ice's parents?"Taufan asked. "Didn't they do anything about it?"

Blaze rolled his eyes. "Don't get me to start with them. They are shitty parents."

"More reasons for us to save him then."Halilintar pointed at the army of sirens and mermaids in waiting for them on the beach.

"This will be messy."Fang sighed and summoned his shadows.

In the meantime Ice is dining with his wife in the luxurious castle without a single clue of what was happening outside.

"Isn't this much better then living with that dirty beast?"Cordelia asked.

"You meant worse."Ice said coldly without even looking at her.

Cordelia frowned and clenched her silver fork. She had spent hours trying to talk with him, but he keeps refusing and saying remarks.

"What does that beast have that I don't!?"Cordelia exclaimed and slammed her hands on the table.

Her outburst scared the attendants and caught Ice's attention. With a swift hand movement Ice ordered them to leave without leaving Cordelia's eyes. "Morals."Was his simple reply.

She sighed and sat back down on her coral chair. "Oh please, morals are overrated darling."

"Too bad cause that's what I want."Ice said in a bored tone. Every other person would be terrified to talk back to the crazy siren princess of the sea, but Ice knew that she'd rather kill hundreds of people than hurt him even a bit. Sometimes having someone be obssesed with you has it perks.

"Isn't there anything else that you want dear? Anything but that lousy moral?"She asked and leaned back on her chair.

"Your death?"He asked lazily, his cold blue eyes shined with danger.

"I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to be with you if I'm dead. Anything else?"She asked in a calm voice, but her eyes shined with as much danger as he does.

"Blaze's freedom?"

"Can't do sweetheart."

"You being imprisoned?"

"I'm the queen love, I can't be imprisoned."

"I'm sure many would love that though."

"Most likely."She took a sip of her wine. "Too bad for them cause that won't be happening."

"How sad."Ice drank his wine aswell and wondered how he ended in this situation in the first place.

"W-wha-..?"Ice asked in shock.

He knew that his parents never loved nor cared about him, yet he was still surprised by the news.

"You will get married with Cordelia the princess of the sirens."His dad said coldly.


"No buts. It is your time to fulfil your duty as a prince."His mom said and glared at him.

He flinched at her gaze and lowered his head. "Yes mother.."

It would make more sense when his older brother be wed to the princess since he is the first born, but of course his parents chose him instead. Who would want to have a sickly and weak person as their future king?

"Aww, you're cute!"The princess exclaimed and hugged him.

"Tch. Those mermaids have the nerve to send their second born when I asked for the first born."The king of siren scoffed.

"It's fine dad! I like him!"She giggled and held the scared Ais even tighter.

"That sickly prince?"He asked in disgust.

"Yes. Got a problem with that?"She asked with murderous intent.

Instead of being offended, the king smiled proudly with his sharp fangs. "Not the slightest daughter."

That was the day when his fate was supposed to be set in stone. The day he lost his freedom and forced to marry the enemy's princess at the age of five.

"My sweet husband."Cordelia caressed his cheek. "When did you become so wild and stubborn? You used to be so frail and sweet."

"I was a scared fool." he said emphatically.

She chuckled and let go of his face. "Indeed. But I must admit that I liked your little rebellious action back then."She said with venom in her voice.

Ice pressed his lips into a thin line and narrowed his eyes at her. She sure does know how to hit someone's vulnerability.

"And of course it had consequences~ But you don't have to worry, I wouldn't dare hurt my darling~"She said with a smile.


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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