S.2 ch.10:Hunters

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"I still can't believe that we're going to the cursed forest and that Blaze, Ice and Gempa used to live there."Taufan said Halilintar who nodded in agreement as they both watched the three said people who were busy talking about their past life.

"Have you ever ate the cursed lilies? They taste disgusting!"Blaze exclaimed with a disgusted expression.

Gempa stared at him with a baffled expression. "You're not supposed to eat it. It's poisonous."

"Yeah, I realized after I almost choked to death."Blaze shrugged as if he hadn't just said that he almost met death.

"And I had to drag you to the damn hill where the healing herbs grow."Ice frowned at the memory.

"Yeah,"Blaze turned at him with a frown aswell. "And you shoved all kind of herbs into my mouth."

"It's not my fault that you decided to eat a poisonous plant for who knows what reason which caused me to save your dying ass."

"You didn't have to shove them all into my mouth!"

"How am I supposed to know which one is the right one?"


"..."Ice stared at him in disbelief. "Why did I even save you?"

"Because you wove me~"Blaze's mood shifted out of nowhere and hugged his brother.

"Tch."Ice grumbled, but he didn't deny it. Neither did he push him away.

"I'm really starting to worry about their childhood.."Boboiboy whispered.

"Me too.."Thorn mumbled.

"What about you Gem? How was your life in the forest?"Blaze asked.

"It-"Before he could reply a loud growl echoed through the forest which alarmed all of them.

"What was that!?"Taufan exclaimed as he stood in front of Boboiboy protectively along with everyone else.

"Blaze?"Solar looked at him.

Blaze perked his ears and closed his eyes as he focused on his surrounding. "Hunters."He growled, clear hatred burning in his red orbs.

"Tch."Ice narrowed his eyes.

"Then we should go. They will most likely target Blaze, Ice and Gempa if they saw them."Solar suggested.

"But what about the growl? They must have caught one. We can't just leave them alone!"Boboiboy refused, not having the heart to leave when someone might need his help.

"He is right."Ying nodded.

"We can't leave them to their doom."Yaya added with worry in her voice.

"That's true."Solar looked at the tree half-humans in their group before he sighed. "Alright, me, Taufan and Thorn will go help them. The rest stay here and hide just in case they decide to go here."

"But we can also help!"Ying exclaimed, not liking the fact that they aren't allowed to fight alongside them.

"You can."Solar nodded in agreement. "But we do not want to risk yours nor Boboiboy's safety."

"Yes, but-"Yaya placed a hand on her friend's shoulder to calm her down. "Fine.."

And so, the three of them went towards where the noises were coming from while they stayed behind in hiding.

"Come on Ying, they just don't want us to get hurt."Yaya tried to cheer her friend up.

"I know, but still! It's frustrating!"She huffed before looking at Boboiboy. "Don't you ever get frustrated with their overly protectiveness?" Ever since they travelled together, neither Yaya nor Ying were let to do anything that could possibly harm them. That also goes for Boboiboy, maybe even more.

"Sometimes,"Boboiboy admitted. "But I do understand why, so I just shrug it off."

Ying sighed. "If I were you then I would've long go against their order and fight. I just can't stand being so 'helpless'."

The princess patted her friend's shoulder in understanding as she herself was handled like a porcelain glass at all times in her castle.

"What about you?"Ying asked Fang. It wouldn't hurt to know more about him if he was going to join their journey from now on.

"I was treated like that too. Atleast until I was nine years old."For a split second his eyes shined with something similiar to longing. "From then on I was practically on my own."

"Oh.."Ying felt bad now as it seemed like she had reminded him of something deep. "Is dark magic hard to use?"She tried for a lighter topic.

"Indeed."He nodded. "If you use it wrongly or can't handle it, then you will either die or lose your mind."

Both Yaya and Boboiboy flinched at that information while Ying sweatdropped and sighed internally as the mood didn't lighten at all. "I give up.."

In the meantime the other group had arrived at the fight location, however it seems that they were too late.

"Ugh, it reeks of blood.."Taufan mumbled as he hovered over the bloody ground, not wanting to step into the bloodbath.

"Did they kill them..?"Thorn asked in a quiet voice, his eyes becoming smaller.

"Perhaps,"Solar looked around and spotted a broken chain. "But it's more likely that they had tried to capture them and they fought til the very end."

"So.."Thorn looked at the bloody ground. "They died?"

"Maybe, I can't really tell."He looked at the claw marks on the ground and trees. "From the size of the claw marks I assumed it must've been werewolves involved. If their lucky they're just injured, but if not then they're dead."

"Right.."Taufan sighed. "Werewolves are known to fight until the very end. Giving up is not an option."

"Good thing that Blaze isn't here."Solar sighed in relief.

Thorn nodded in agreement with Taufan. "He would've gone mad knowing his kind got hurt."

"Hm?"Just as they were about to return back he noticed that the blood were leading towards their direction. "Don't tell me- we need to go back! Now!"

"Ughhh, this is so boring!!"Blaze complained.

"Better boring than in danger."Fang said, tired of hearing his complain for the past minutes.

"In danger? The hunters would be in danger and not me!"Blaze huffed. "I would've teared them to shreds!"

"That's brutal.."Ying mumbled.

"Werewolf's nature."Ice said in a bored tone.

Halilintar looked around, feeling that something was wrong. "I have a bad feeling.."

Crimson red eyes travelled through the trees until he finally saw a suspicious glimmer between leaves. "Is that..?"His eyes widen as realization hit him. "Everyone duck!" But it was too late.

Ice's eyes widen in horror as an arrow pierced through his brother. "Blaze!"

Cliffhanger :>

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