S.2 ch.2:Journey begins

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Is what everyone thought as they stared at the king with a flabbergasped expression.

A few minutes ago

"Don't worry, I'm here!"Ying reassured as she gave Yaya's hand a gentle squezze.

"Mhm! I'm also here"Boboiboy added with a smile.

"Thank you"Yaya smiled before they entered the room while Boboiboy's companion waited outside.

"Hello sweety, is there something that you need?"The queen asked her daughter in a gentle tone.

"Um.."She hesitated. "Could I please go on a journey with Boboiboy?"

All three of them stayed silence, waiting for their answer and ready to give arguments on why it would be good for her to go, just like they had practiced a few hours ago.

After what felt like an eternity, the king spoke: "Of course you may"


Back to present

"Really?"Yaya asked with clear surprise on her face.

"Yes, you're an adult now and it would be good for you to see the world before becoming a queen like your mother"

"I agree, you should enjoy your youth"Her mom's lips formed into a soft smile.

"But you sa-"Yaya couldn't finish her sentence as Ying hugged her in excitement.

"Horray! We're going on a journey!"She happily exclaimed, but quickly let her go after hearing the rulers laughs. "Oops- sorry my princess"

"No, no, it's okay"Yaya said.

"Well then, when are you planning to go dear?"The queen asked. "I would advice you to go tomorrow morning if you don't want to miss the lunar festival in the Shadow kingdom. I heard that it's very exciting"

"Oh- yes, that's a good idea"Yaya nodded.

"It's decided then"The king said. "You will leave tomorrow, so we have to make a grand dinner tonight! Afterall, we won't be seeing our little princess for a long while"

Yaya's cheek turned a bit red as her father called her 'their little princess' like he always does. "Mhm.."

"Kawai"Ying and Boboiboy thought at the same time but didn't say anything.

And so, everything ended well and the grand dinner was held that night as planned.

"What's wrong?"Ying asked when she noticed the expression on her best frined's face.

"Ah, nothing don't worry"Yaya replied.

She sighed. "I know you ever since we were eight, do you really think that I wouldn't know when something is bothering you?"

"You're right"Yaya sighed aswell and looked at the beautiful night sky filled with more stars then usual. "It's just.. something feels strange"

"What do you mean?"Ying moved closer and leaned her arms on the balcony's fence.

"You know that my parents are always strict about me leaving the castle right?"

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