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I'm back :D

And now I can't see him the same again.

Just a few minutes ago did I vent to Halilintar and he actually comforted me.

I've never heard him talk so much. I even thought that I was dreaming, but apparently not.

"Where we you two??"Blaze asked in confusion. "Gempa was already worried sick"

"Oh, Gempa is back?"I asked.

"Yup. He finally cleared the misunderstanding and is now with Boboiboy while I look out for any sign of you"Blaze explained.

"Hehe, sorry"I scratched my unitchy cheek. "I wanted to get some fresh air but I ended up getting lost"I lied.

"Aha"Blaze turned to Halilintar. "And what about you?"

"I saw him so I followed him"Halilintar simply replied.

"Okay.."Blaze said with slight confusion and a hint of suspicion in his voice.

"Ouch!"Blaze winced after his twin smacked him. "What was that for!?"

"I had to walk because of you"Ice reasoned.


"You ran off the moment you saw them and I'm supposed to watch over you"

"Wait! wait! Watch over me??"Blaze interrupted, but Ice completely ignored him and continued.

"So I had to follow you"Ice ended.

"Answer me!"Blaze demanded while puffing his cheeks.

"Anyways, it's your turn to stay with Boboiboy"Ice said to me, ignoring his twin once again.

"Alright then"I quickly waved and dissappeared into the ballroom.

"Answer me!!"I could hear Blaze yell before I close the door.

They never change.

I smiled at the thought. But that's exactly what make them the person they are.

It didn't take me long enough to find Boboiboy in this crowded room. Afterall, how can I not when he is the brightest among this two faced nobility?

"Taufan!"Boboiboy said in relief. "Are you okay? Where were you?"

"I just went to get some fresh air"I lied once again.

"In such hurry?"

Oops- was I that fast?

"I just really need to go to the bathroom"

"Oh okay then"

You are too gullible Boboiboy!

I sighed, relief that he believed me, but also concerned about his naive nature.

"Where is Gempa though? I thought he was back?"I asked after noticing Gempa's missing presence by his side.

"Gempa seemed quite tired, so I persuaded him to take a break in the balcony. Solar is keeping him company. ---and making sure that he actually rest."He added.

Yup. Sounds like Gempa.

An hour passed and everything was going well, no troubles, a relaxed Gempa and Boboiboy was finally starting to enjoy the party. He was quite tensed from nervousity earlier, but it seems that he is feeling more comfortable now.

Just as I thought that everything will turn for the better, something horrible happened.

"Taufan is that you?"My 'father' asked.

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