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After Halilintar returned, they left him alone with Solar, so that they could bond while the others discussed about the traitor.

"Any ideas?"Taufan asked.

"It could be one of the servants."Gempa guessed.

"Or the mailman."Blaze added and shrugged. "Afterall, it is always a different person everyday."

"Negative"Ice claimed, "The mailman knows nothing nor would they have the chance to gain any information. The servants are more likely to be the traitor."

"Should we check the servants then?"Thorn asked and looked at Boboiboy.

"That would be an option, but it might lower their loyalty if we do that since they might feel offended if we suspected them despite their innocent."Boboiboy replied and sighed.

"What's going on?"Halilintar suddenly asked as he entered the room with Solar who was holding a bag filled with cookies.

"We were just discussing about the traitor."Taufan noticed the bag of cookies and smiled. "Do you like it?"

"It's okay.."Solar mumbled, not wanting to admit that he actually enjoyed the cookies that Taufan had gave him.

"Pfft- like older brother like younger brother."Taufan chuckled and ignored Halilintar's glare.

"Anyways,"Solar cleared his throat."I might be able to help you find the traitor."

That caught their attention and all eyes turned to him.

"I don't know who is behind this all, but I overheard a little part of their plan."He then turned serious and looked at each one of them. "The traitor was supposed to gain Boboiboy's trust, so they are most likely to be one of you. The one that Boboiboy trust most."

"One of us!?"Blaze said in surprise. "No way! We've been friends with Boboiboy since we were young, why would we betray him??"

"Just like the old saying goes, 'the closest to you could hurt you more than a betrayel from a stranger'."Solar shrugged. "It's your choice whether you want to believe me or not."

"I'm not here to win their trust anyways, but.."Solar thought as he took a small glance at his brother. "For him.."

"I can't believe this.."Taufan mumbled.

"Me neither.."Thorn agreed.

"What do you think?"Ice asked as he turned to Boboiboy.

"I..I don't know."He sighed in frustration. He didn't want to suspect any of them, but Solar had a point. They were the only people who knew everything.

"This is truly a hard case."Gempa also sighed. "Perhaps it would be best if we stay out of everything for now while Boboiboy search for the traitor?"

"Boboiboy might be in danger if we do so."Halilintar said firmly. "What if the traitor tries to get him while he is distracted? This is the perfect opportunity for them."

"Good point."Gempa placed a hand on his chin. "What if we just put a protection spell on Boboiboy?"

"That's not very reliable. The traitor might be a good magician."Halilintar reasoned.

"Then how about this?"Taufan suddenly said. "I will put the best protection spell I can, and if the traitor manage to break it, then you can just catch me?"

"You're making yourself sound suspicious."Ice stated while Blaze nodded in agreement.

"What else am I supposed to do?? I'm the magician here after all.."Taufan sighed in frustration. "I just don't want to suspect anyone! We are close afterall.."

Everyone turned silence after hearing his last sentence. None of them wanted to do so, but the chance is there and they didn't want to risk Boboiboy's safety for it.

"How about all of you just do your own things while I take care of Boboiboy?"Solar suggested. "Before you disagree, I know that I'm not the most trustworthy person here, but I'm good with magic and very well capable of protecting him. You can just put a tracking spell on me and if something happens to Boboiboy, then you can check if I was the one at fault."

Halilintar wanted to disagree, afraid that his brother might get hurt by the traitor, but Boboiboy was quicker to agree.

After everything was settled, a tracking spell was cast upon Solar like planned and they left to do their own things.

Thorn was about to leave, but then he turned around and hugged Boboiboy. "Take care!"

"I will."They hugged for a few more minutes before Thorn left leaving him alone with Halilintar and Solar.

"You should also go."Solar said.

He was about to say something, but Boboiboy stopped him with a reassuring smile.

"Fine.."He grumbled. "Take care, both of you.."He said with a barely audible tone before he left them alone.

"He is a tsundere, isn't he?"Solar asked Boboiboy.

He just chuckled and nodded, happy that he atleast wasn't alone and Solar's similiraty to Halilintar made it easy for him to trust him.

I'm sorry that it's short, I will try to write a longer one for the next chapter.

And I also wanted to announce that this story will definitely be written to the end since I finally got an idea for the ending! I can now write the story in peace with the whole storyline in my head 🎉 Don't worry, the ending isn't near :^

Thank you for reading and I hope that you enjoyed it ^^

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