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Tok aba was more than happy to find a magic teacher for Boboiboy and after a week he finally came.

"Hello,my name is Lucas and from now on I will be your magic teacher."Boboiboy's magic teacher said in a friendly manner

Lucas is a high ranking magician from the malical kingdom who willingly volunteered to teach.

"Hello!"Boboiboy said excitedly"My name is Boboiboy and this is Halilintar."

"Aww,isn't he adorable!"Lucas thought as he smiled

"Your grandpa told me a lot about you and Halilintar."Lucas said "I heard that you love magic?"

"Yup!I can't wait to finally learn it!'Boboiboy giggled

"I'm sure that you will learn it easily. You seem to be very smart"Lucas praised while patting Boboiboy's head

His gaze then turned to Halilintar when he felt a rather threatening aura coming from him.

Halilintar was staring at his hand that was placed on Boboiboy's head, watching it as if it was a great threat towards Boboiboy.

Lucas pulled his hand away and smiled "You're taking your job as a bodyguard very seriously."He said jokingly, but Halilintar didn't react to it at all while Boboiboy looked at them in confusion.

A loud noise was suddenly heard and they turned their gaze to the door.

A boy,about the same age as Halilintar laid on the ground with books and magic equipment around him.

"I'm sorry teacher, I will be more careful!"The boy said in a hurry as he picked up everything.

Without hesitation Boboiboy approached him with a friendly smile and helped him pick up everything "Are you okay?"Boboiboy asked

The boy smiled brightly and nod his head "Yup! Everything's fine,I'm just clumsy. Hehe"

"Didn't I tell you to bring one thing at a time? What if the equipment breaks and the glass hurt you?"Lucas scolded and checked for any injuries on him which luckily wasn't there.

"I know,sorry...but it takes wayyy to long"Taufan said with a wide grin on his face.

"He seems nice!"Boboiboy thought to himself

Boboiboy was tempted to ask him to be friends, but was to shy to do so.

"Oh right! I haven't told you about Taufan."Lucas said"This is Taufan and he is my disciple. He will be helping you in your practice and if you want to know something when I'm not there, just ask Taufan. He is very good in magic"

The said boy was flattered by his teacher's word and just smiled "I hope that we can get along!"

After that they went to the tower.---Lucas had teleported his tower to the delamore's garden, so that he could teach there.He loved his tower too much to leave it for long.---The lesson soon began and Boboiboy was already having problems while Halilintar did it the wrong way---which causes pain---but worked somehow.

Lucas was alarmed by how Halilintar do it and immediately stopped him before he throughfully explained to him how to do it correctly.

In the meantime Taufan was helping Boboiboy cast his first magic spell.

"You can do it! Just put more mana in the spell and it will work!"Taufan cheered while Boboiboy struggled

Eventually the spell worked and the apple levitated,but then it fell again when Boboiboy put too much mana in it.

Boboiboy hung his head low and was sad which made Taufan panic. "Oh no! The bean is sad!! Stupid me! I should've told him to not put too much mana in it!"He thought to himself before he reassured Boboiboy that he did a great job.

Taufan had quiet became fond of Boboiboy ever since they talked. In his mind he kept thinking of how adorable he was and how much he wished to have a brother like him.

"Really?"Boboiboy asked sadly and Taufan quickly nodded "definitely!"

Boboiboy smiled and thought for a bit before he asked Taufan to show him magic since he was curious about Taufan's mana.

Everyone that has mana can use magic, but not every mana havers can use a certain magic ability, which is called 'elemental magic'.

Elemental magic is pretty simple once you know which element you have, but if your body isn't trained properly for it then it might take a lot of your energy at once or hurt you.

"Sure,why not?"Taufan replied before he levitated himself "What kind of element magic am I using?"

"Is it wind?"Boboiboy asked in awe

"Yup!"Taufan looked at his teacher that was busy with Halilintar before he whispered to Boboiboy "Wanna fly?"

Boboiboy blinked a few times before he refused. "Lucas said that we aren't allowed to use magic that isn't a basic without him watching us."

Taufan frowned "So what?Let's fly! He won't notice a thing!" He grinned and looked at him with puppy eyes.

Boboiboy was tempted to agree, but hesitated. He grew up living in a house filled with rules and has never disobeyed it. He understood why those rules were there, so he didn't want to break them.

"I don't think that it's a good idea..."Boboiboy said in a quiet voice.

After hearing Boboiboy's word,Taufan simply stared at him for a few seconds before he pulled him to the window and jumped down with him.

"Ahh!!"Boboiboy screamed until he realized that he was floating. "Eh?" He turned his head to look at Taufan that was laughing at his reaction.

"You're reaction was priceless!"Taufan said in between laughs.

"It was dangerous."Boboiboy said,trying to be serious since it could've ended badly if Taufan didn't manage to make them float before hitting the ground, but he was having too much fun floating in the air.

Despite having people around him that are great at using magic, none of them dared to use it on him, afraid that they might accidentally hurt him. Not even his parents dared to do it, but Taufan did and he was the first person that has ever done it.

"Admit it!You're having fun!"Taufan said with a wide smile on his face.

"I guess.."Boboiboy mumbled.

Taufan chuckled and patted Boboiboy's head. "You're adorable, wanna be friends?"

Without hesitation Boboiboy immediately agreed and they laughed together.

"Taufan!"Lucas yelled from the window. "Get your butt over here!"

"Shoot- I'm dead..."Taufan thought to himself and cried on the inside,knowing in how much trouble he was.
Taufan's here 🎉

I hope you enjoyed ^^

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