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"You're going to train and learn too?!"Boboiboy asked excitedly

While they were eating breakfast,Tok aba told Boboiboy about Halilintar's job and that he would learn and train first.Meaning that the two of them would be together for the whole day.

In the past Boboiboy had to seperate himself from Halilintar to learn or train,but not anymore.

"Yes,I will"Halilintar replied which made Boboiboy smile

"Yay!We can learn and train together!"Boboiboy stated happily

"Don't distract yourself though.You need to learn properly!"Tok aba said in a strict yet soft tone

"I will!"Boboiboy giggled"I can't wait to train with Hali.I bet he would be a great swordman!"

"I never held a sword though..."Halilintar thought to himself "Does every eight year old think so positive or is it just him?"

After breakfast the first lesson starts.

Halilintar had quiet a hard time learning.He needed to learn from the very beginning since he didn't know how to write or read due to his lack of study in his childhood.

Luckily for him,the teacher was very patient and didn't have any problem to explain things twice.

During the training however,he didn't have any difficulty at all.The teacher only needed to show him the technick once and he was able to master it without any problem.

Aside from that,he also has a great stamina and agility,making it easy for him to move for a long time without getting tired and dodge attacks easily.

"I must say,you have a great talent to be a swordman!"The teacher said happily

It was rare to find such a talent and he was honored to be able to teach one of them.

"I do...?"Halilintar asked,not believing the teacher's word.

The training had been so easy to him that he thought that it was supposed to be easy since he is a beginner.

"Yes!Absolutely!You manage to master all of the tachnick and courses easily without any problem!No beginner would be able to do it at their first try,but you did it!"The teacher claimed

"Oh..."Halilintar wasn't that impressed from the information since he didn't choose to be a bodyguard because he has dreamt of it,but because he wanted to earn money to live.It was a good thing,but not something that would really impress himself.

"You should be more excited,you know?Having such a talent is pretty rare!"The teacher said to cheer him up,but failed

"He is the most emotionless child I've ever seen."The teacher thought to himself"But considering his past...I can understand why he is like that..."

"I guess"Halilintar replied,bored from the conversation and looked at Boboiboy that was swinging his wood sword,trying to do a technick.

"I don't get the fun in this...How come he was so excited to train?"Halilintar asked himself"He doesn't even like it that much"

*a few minutes before the training*

"You will love the training!It's hard...but we have a nice teacher and once you get the hang of it then it will be more fun!"Boboiboy said with a smile

"Do you like it?"Halilintar asked

"A little"Boboiboy admitted"It's fun when I can master a technick,but it's kinda hard and I...don't really like to imagine how I would use the sword to hurt someone one day"

"But it's the point in swordmanship,not the hurting part,but protecting yourself and you can only do it when you fight back"Halilintar stated

"I know..."Boboiboy said and sighed"If I have to then I guess I would do it..."

*back to present*

Boboiboy finally manage to master the technick and smiled brightly before he called the teacher to show it to him.

I...don't really like to imagine how I would use the sword to hurt someone one day

"Hm...does bodyguards also attack or just protect?"Halilintar asked himself as he stared at Boboiboy"Perhaps I it for him instead?"

"Haliiii"Boboiboy called"Look!I can finally do it!"

Boboiboy swung his wooden sword,showing the tachnick that he had just mastered with a bright smile on his face.

"Good job"Halilintar said which made Boboiboy smile even wider.

"Job or not,I'm sure that I can find an excuse to attack"Halilintar thought as he finally made up his mind

"Hm..."The teacher placed a finger under his chin"Boboiboy,you're eight right?"

"Yes,I am"Boboiboy replied

"Do you want to learn magic?"The teacher asked"Many kids your age learn it.You can try if you want,but I can't guarante that it would work.Magic is hard,but you have the mana for it,so it should work when you try hard"

"Magic???I can learn that?!"Boboiboy asked with sparkling eyes

When he was small his mother used to dance on water for him whenever she has time since he loves seeing her dance while using magic to make it look even more magical.Ever since the first time that she did it,Boboiboy became fond of magic and it became his dream to go to the malical kingdom one day.

"Ofcourse!Your parents have mana,so the chance of you having mana too is high"The teacher said"Do you want to learn it?I can ask your grandfather to hire a magician to teach you."

"Yes,please!"Boboiboy said before he looked at Halilintar "Hali,do you want to learn too?"

Halilintar wanted to say no,but seeing Boboiboy's big innocent puppy eyes made him rethink his answer.

"Yes,I do"He finally said which made Boboiboy even happier.

"Then it's settled.I will tell your grandfather about it"The teacher said and looked at his watch "It's almost time for lunch.Go shower before you eat"

"Okay!"Boboiboy said before he went to his room and took Halilintar along with him.

"I can't wait to finally learn magic!"Boboiboy thought and giggled

I hope you enjoy ^^

I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistake and feel free to correct me :)

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