ch.12:The new head

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Years have passed and the young children are now teenagers.

Boboiboy is now sixteen years old and have grown into a kind and polite teenager. His skill in fighting and magic have improved a lot during those years and he has gotten very close to his friends.

Halilintar had just turned twenty recently. His swordmanship is so good that his teacher didn't have to teach him anymore at the age of fourteen. Ever since then, he learned on his own and is now officially Boboiboy personal bodyguard.

Taufan has grown quite a lot, but his childish and naughty nature still remained. He get along with Halilintar much better than before, but he still like to annoy him from time to time. His ability and knowledge in magic is beyond impressive, and he even manage to surpass his master.

Gempa has become more confident over the years and manage to become the head butler when he turned eighteen a few months ago. He wasn't a weak and fearful little boy anymore, but a confident and kind young man, who is capable of leading people.

Blaze and Ice became Boboiboy second bodyguards. They are only positioned as his bodyguards when Halilintar can't do it for any kind of reason. However, that isn't their only job. Ice has been trained to be an assasin while Blaze was trained to do job in the shadow.

Thorn was still a rather shy and quiet person, but that doesn't mean that he is weak. His magic have grew over the year, and he is officially a magician along with Taufan. Though, his main job is being the doctor of the team since he specialized himself in that field, and the head gardener.

While their relationship and ability improved, which was of course something good, not everything was good during those years.

Sadly Boboiboy's grandpa died when Boboiboy was still fourteen years old, and his parents also died in a mission not to long ago.

His grandpa died because of his old age, but his parents were murdered in a mission. The culprit however, was never found..

"I brought you tea.."Taufan said gently and placed the tea on the table.

Since Boboiboy was the only delamore left, he had to become the next head, if he wants or not.

He has been busy doing paperwork for the past few weeks to finish all the preparation of him becoming the head of the delamore.

Lucky for him, Gempa was there to help him do the paperwork, atleast the business and mansion part. He wasn't allowed to help Boboiboy with the official paperwork for becoming the head, since it was a law that only a family member are allowed to do so.

"Thank you."Boboiboy replied in a tired tone.

"You should take a rest. It's been hours since you worked.."Taufan stated.

"It's okay, I will be fine. Besides, it's almost done."Boboiboy replied.

Taufan looked at Halilintar who was standing next to Boboiboy, and he just shook his head at Taufan.

"He didn't manage to convince otherwise either, huh?"Taufan sighed.

"I don't get that damn law.."Taufan mumbled.

"It is to prevent anyone from sabotaging me and to prepare me for the head position."Boboiboy explained.

"'s way too much for you. You're not even supposed to become the head at this-"He stopped as he realized that he had messed up. "What I meant that they are giving you way too much work!"

"Yeah.."Boboiboy said sadly as he remembered his grandpa and parents.

"You idiot!"Halilintar mouthed without any tone to Taufan.

"I'm sorry!"Taufan mouthed back.

"Hello!"Blaze suddenly shouted as he kicked the door open.

"Blaze!"Gempa that was next to him said.

"It's fine~ I didn't break it."Blaze said.

"This time."Ice stated, reminding him of all of the time that he broke a door.

"Shh! We don't talk about that."Blaze said and Ice just rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, look outside!"Blaze said as he pulled Boboiboy to the window.

"Why?"Boboiboy asked as he looked at the window, but he already got his answer.

Thorn was standing in the middle of the flowers blossoms alphabets while smiling and waving at him. It says, 'you can do it!', and was made with Boboiboy's favourite flowers.

"You guys.."Boboiboy said as tears formed in his eyes. He was so exhausted and mentally drained from all the pressure and work that he has been getting, but this really touched his heart.

"Hehe, now that's the smile that we miss!"Blaze said smiled brightly at him.

"That idiot is right for once."Ice said.

"Hey! So mean."Blaze pouted.

Boboiboy chuckled at their interaction, feeling much better than before. "Thank you, I really needed that."

"No problem!"Blaze said. "Now time for a group hug!"

Taufan teleported Thorn to the room and they all hugged.

After a week, Boboiboy officially became the head. The ceremony was supposed to be held in the castle, but since Boboiboy wasn't eighteen years old, the emperor came to the Delamore's mansion.

"Will you Boboiboy Delamore, swear to be loyal and protect our contry?"The emperor said.

"I Boboiboy Delamore, swear to be loyal and protect this country until my last breath."Boboiboy said as he got on his knees and bowed to him.

"As the emperor of the Galactical kingdom, I announce you as the new head of the Delamore's household. May your journey be successful."The emperor said and sealed it with magic.

"Are you crying..?"Ice whispered.

"Am not!"Blaze said as he tried to hold back his tears.

"Don't worry man, I'm crying too. I can't believe that our little Boboiboy has grown this much."Taufan sniffed while Thorn nodded in agreement.

"This is truly touching."Gempa said as he wiped his tears with a tissue.

"It sure is.."Halilintar said, feeling proud as he watched Boboiboy.

Hope you liked it ^^

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