S.2 ch.19:Enough is enough

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Fire surrounded Blaze, becoming one with him. It rose higher with every step he took. What once was cherry red, is now pitch black with rage.

"Blaze!"Solar shouted as he tried to calm him down, but he couldn't even near him due to the unbearable heat. Neither did the enraged latter seem to hear him.

Blinded with rage he rose his right hand up to the sky and hundreds of fireball were summoned on his command.

The enemy attacked, but none got even close to hurting him. Instead they screamed in pain as they were burned alive. Their flesh and bone melting like candles, leaving nothing but ashes behind.

"He is loosing control!"Ying said as she watched everything.

"Damn it."Fang cursed under his breath and looked at Boboiboy before they both nodded.


Upon hearing his name, his head whipped to the door as the sound of glas breaking was heard all around the castle.

"How did they-"Cordelia gasped as she realized that their protection shield had been broken.

Without any hesitation Ice ran to the door. He has been having an uneasy feeling that something was wrong and that call just proved him right.

A sudden wall of streaming water blocked his way and he turned to look at his wife. "If you leave then I will-"

"I know that Blaze has escaped."Ice hissed. "Now that the shield is broken I can feel his magic."

Her face flushed with anger as she summoned a trident. "You're not allowed to leave!"

"I never asked for permission."Ice shot ten ice arrows which she easily dodged, but when she turned to look at him, he was gone.

"Catch him!"She ordered and every servant rushed to chase him.

He didn't bother to check if someone was following him. Of course they were. And instead swam as fast as he could and escaped into the surface. "Blaze!"

His voice reached his brother's ears and he turned to look at him. "Ice..?"He asked as he slowly walked to him, his eyes returning to the familiar cherry red ones.

Ice smiled in relief as he too walked to him. He was hurt, but he was alive. And that was all that he needed.

"Watch out!" Someone shouted from the battlefield, but it was too late. Blaze was already stabbed with a sharp ice that had emerged from the ground beneath him.

"Blaze!"He screamed in horror as he ran to his brother, breaking the ice with one touch and cradled his brother in his arms. "No! No! No!"

Blood streamed from his mouth as Blaze looked at him with weak eyes. "Ice.."His voice was barely a whisper. The ice had drilled a hole into his body, he wouldn't survive.

"No..! I won't let you die!"Ice's voice cracked, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Not you.."

"Get away from me!"He hissed and was ready to kill the boy in front of him despite being injured himself.

"Calm down I won't hurt you!"The boy smiled while dodging his every attack with ease. He was far too tired from the runaway and severly injured to attack properly.

"I don't belie.."his vision began to became blurry, but he fought until he finally fell unconscious.

"Urgh.."Ais opened his eyes and held his throbbing head. "Where am I..?"

"You're awake!"The boy from before chirped as he walked inside.

"Stay away fro-"He flinched when he felt the stinging pain on his tail.

"Don't move, the hunters got quite a good hit on your tail."The boy said and sat on a wooden chair in front of him. "I'm Blaze! What's your name?"

"None of your business!"Ais bared his teeth at him which only bored the latter.

"Oh come on now, I saved you can't you atleast tell me your name?"Blaze asked.

That made him froze as he realized that this boy had indeed save his life. If it weren't for him then the hunters would've killed him. Unlucky him to meet a group of hunters while escaping from his terrible wife.

Then he looked at the boy's injured arm. He got injured when he killed the hunter that had stabbed his tail. "I'm.."He hesitated. "Ais."

"Cool, nice to meet ya!"Blaze smiled brightly. "Wanna be friends?"

"We don't even know each other.."Ais mumbled.

"That's the point of being friends silly! You get to know to each other!"He grinned. "So, wanna be friends?"

"No."His immediate answer made the boy whine.

"Why not??"

"Because I don't know you."Was his simple answer.

"I like meat, playing, hunt-"

"That's not what I meant!"

"So what??"

Ais stared at him in disbelief. Why is he so desperate on being friends with him?? Though at the same time.. it was the first time anyone ever wanted to be friends with him. Due to his sickly appearance and weak body, no one wanted to be friends with him. They couldn't even look at him without feeling disgusted. How can a prince be this weak?

"Earth to Ais."Blaze flicked in front of his face.

He had been to deep in his mind that he didn't realize Blaze had moved closer to him. "Get away from me!"He said while pushing him, but that didn't do anything at all.

"Well you're weak,"Blaze bluntly said as he stared at Ais's little hands that desperately tried to push him.

"So what if I'm weak!?"He exclaimed. If only he wasn't so tired, then he would've attacked him with his magic.

"Oops, that sounded wrong-"Blaze shook his head. "It's just that your strength reminded me of a two year old. It's kinda adorable."

Ais's face morphed into disbelief. That was even more insulting. Is he doing it on purpose or is he just blunt and dumb?

"What?? Two year olds are adorable!"Blaze claimed with a huff. Then he immediately returned to their actual subject. "Now wanna be friends or not??"

"I already said no."

"Too bad cause I don't take no as an answer!"The boy grinned and dodged an ice arrow that Ais had summoned with all of his remaining strength. "Hehe, you missed!"

Since that day he was stuck with him no matter how much he tried to escape. At first he hated it, but now he wouldn't wish for it to be any different.

"I told you that I will kill him when you misbeheave."Cordelia said in a cold tone as she emerged from the water.

Upon hearing her voice his demeanor changed and his eyes filled with hatred. Without a word he let Thorn take Blaze from him to heal and stood up.

"It's time that you finally die."Ice said coldly and narrowed his eyes at his soon to be deceased wife.

"I'd like to see you try dear."She flashed a poisonous smile.


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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