S.2 ch.4:The prophecy

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"The festival is so pretty!"Yaya and Ying squeeled at their very first festival.

"This remind me of a certain festival"Halilintar looked at Taufan.

"Stop reminding me of that already!"Taufan huffed and whined to Gempa. "Gem, look at him! He's bullying me!"

Gempa sighed, trying his best not to lose his temper asnthey had just entered tha festival. "Hali please don't tease Taufan, and Taufan don't cause any trouble"He looked at Blaze. "And you too Blaze"

"I haven't even done anything yet!"Blaze pouted.

"Just a little reminder"

"What about Thorn??"He asked.

"The worse he could do is get lost in the crowd"Gempa glanced at Solar who gave him an assurring nod.

"So unfair.."Blaze mumbled.

"It's your fault for causing troubles"Ice pointed out.

"Still!"Blaze pouted even more.

His twin simply stared at him, seeing his saddened face. "Ugh fine.."He thought to himself before shoving the cake he was holding onto his mouth.



Despite his confusion Blaze did as asked and his mood gradualy increased as he forgot what he was even upset about.

"My cake.."Ice sadly stared at his empty plate.

"Hm?"Blaze stared at his now sad twin and searched for the nearest food stand before dragging him there. "Look, there's more cake!"

"Wait- Blaze don't run off!"Gempa shouted as he followed them.

"Haha.."Boboiboy laughed akwardly while hoping that nothing goes wrong tonight, feeling bad for his dear friend Gempa who always has to take care of them.

In the shadows, stood a caped figure, watching their every move. "So that's the boy from the oracle huh?"

Halilintar glanced to the back, the suspicious dissappearing before he could see them. "Hm.."

Time passed by and everyone was having a good time at the festival. Happy faces all around them, kids running around and latern light everywhere across the plaza.

"Hm?"Boboiboy looked around, realizing that someone is missing. "Where's Hali?" He asked.

"Don't worry about him, he just went to buy something"Taufan reassured.

"But what if he get lost? He can't possibly find us in the crowd.."Boboiboy stated.

"He will be fine~"Taufan pushed him to the others. "Come on, let's enjoy the festival!"

"If you say so.."

In the meantime, Halilintar was blending himself into the crowd, following the suspicious figure until he got the perfect opportunity to strike.

"Argh!"The figure winced as they got thrown to a dark and empty alley by Halilintar.

"Why are you following us!?"Halilintar demanded and kept his lighting dagger right by their throat.

"I'm not your enemy!"The figure claimed.

"Then who are you?"Halilintar asked and watched his every move very clearly as he took off his hood, revealing his face.

Dark purple eyes and the matching eyes resembling the depth of night. Fang, the prince of the Shadow kingdom.

"What do you want from us?"Halilintar shortened the distance between his blade and the prince's throat, close enough to make him bleed a little. "And I'm not afraid to kill you just because you're a prince." He said firmly, ready to do anything for his master's safety.

"I'm here to warn you"The prince said calmly.

"From what?"

"My brother"

"The majesty? What does he want from us?"Solar suddenly appeared beside his brother.

The prince didn't seem to be surprised and continued:"An oracle says that Delamore will be the doom to our empire. To the entire world."

Both of the guardians froze in surprise for a second before Solar asked:"And what exactly was that oracle?"

He hesitated, looked right through their eyes as if to search for something. "A once locked up boy roamed, demise on his side as the doom of this world is near"

"Hm.."Solar thought for a while. "And why do you assume it's our master?"

"With seven under his influence, ready for violance, ready for everything. Doom is near, the devil back alive, save yourselves from their wrath, a bloodbad begin and never be stopped"He continued. "It describe you perfectly, especially.."He looked at Halilintar. "The devil who killed an organisation overnight"

"Oh please, you're exaggerating"Solar said even though he knew that he was right.

'Save yourselves from their wrath'

His words echoed in his head. It was the truth, Halilintar was indeed furious and the organisation had died because of it. Still, he can't help but doubt it. Not his brother, not their master. They're the kindest person he knows, how can they be the doom of this world?

"But"The prince suddenly broke the silence. "I don't believe it"

"How come?"Solar asked with suspicion and surprise. He knew both Boboiboy and Halilintar in person, it's only clear that he doubt it. But the prince? What does he know?

"Something doesn't feel right.."He admitted.

That caught his attention. "Why do you think so?"

Another hesitation. "Ever since that prophecy.."He paused and stared at the ground. "My brother changed"


He nodded. "I know my brother and that's not him. He seems so.. far away. A completely different person" He raised his head to look at them. "Which is why I'm here to warn you and.." He mumbled. "Ask for your help.."

They looked at each other, deciding what they should do, but a commotion suddenly broke lose among the crowd.

"They're here!"Fang immediately stood up, Halilintar's dagger never leaving his throat. "Quick! Save him before they catch him!"

"Boboiboy!"The two guardians thought in panic.

"Boboiboy Delamore, you are now under arrest!"One of the guards surrounding them said.

"But I didn't do anything.."Boboiboy thought, fear and confusion blooming in his heart.

Boboiboy is the doom of this world!? What do you think? Is it the truth or is it not?

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed it ^^

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