ch.10:to the rescue

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"This is all your fault!"Halilintar claimed as they walked around to find Boboiboy.

"I didn't know that something like this will happen!"Taufan argued.

"I told you that it was risky!"Halilintar stated.

"Ugh! I know okay!?"Taufan replied.

They have been fighting ever since they found out about Boboiboy and were both very anxious.

"Guys..?"Thorn asked in a quiet voice since he was intimidated by their argument.

Sadly the two of them didn't hear them, so he just gave up and followed them.

In the meantime Boboiboy was still waiting to be saved, along with the merboy next to him.

"Um..what is your name? My name is Boboiboy."He said to break the akward silent and to distract himself from the possibly bad future.

"Ice."He replied shortly.

"That's a nice name."Boboiboy said and thought of a topic. "What is your brother's name?"

Ice stared at him for a second before he spoke. "Why do you want to know?"

"Um.."Boboiboy paused. "Because the atmosphere is kinda akward..?"He admitted.

"Fair point."Ice agreed. "His name is Blaze. He is basically an idiot."

"How come?"Boboiboy asked.

"All that he knows is to play."Ice said. "And he always drags to play."He grumbled.

Boboiboy sweatdropped and just smiled akwardly, thinking that it's probably a sibling thing.

They continued talking for a few more minutes before someone entered the room.

"Oh, it's you."Ice said as he looked at the boy.

His golden eyes shined brightly in the dark room along with his scales. At first glance it looked like mermaids scale, but then Boboiboy saw the dragon tail behind him. However, he didn't have a wing?

He smiled and gave them two piece of breads. "Here for you. You must be hungry."

Without hesitation Ice took the bread and ate it happily.

"Thank you."Boboiboy said and ate the bread.

"You're welcome."The boy said with a soft smile on his face, but then a man suddenly entered the room.

"What the hell are you doing here!?"The man shouted, but then he saw the breads and became even more angry. "You brat! How dare you steal from us!?"

"M-master I'm s-sorry..!"The boy pleaded as the man harshly slapped him over and over again.

"Let him go!"Boboiboy shouted instinctly. He couldn't bear to see it any longer, yet there wasn't something that he could do about it.

The cage they were in are specially made to block every mana flow so the trapped one wouldn't be able to use their magic.

"You brat!"The man was about to release Boboiboy to hit him, but the boy stood between them.

"Please fogive him master! He is still so young, he doesn't know what he is saying..!"The boy pleaded.

"Ha! It seems that I have been getting soft on you since you dare to disobey me."He smiled evilly. "Perhaps I should also cut your tail."

"N-no, please! I-I won't m-misbeheave again!"The boy begged, his voice filled with fear.

His plea went to deaf ears as the man dragged him out.

"We have to help him!"Boboiboy said, feeling both guilty and worry.

"There is nothing that we can do in this cage."Ice stated with no emotion in his voice, as if it didn't matter to him what would happen to the kind boy.

"B-but.."Boboiboy paused, knowing that he was right, yet he still wanted to help.

As that was happening, the others manage to locate Boboiboy's location through magic.

"See? I told you that I can get us out from any danger!"Taufan said.

"Whose idea was it in the first place?"Halilintar said coldly, leaving Taufan speechless.

"I really hate him.."Taufan thought.

"Um..guys?"Thorn said and pointed on a boy with dark brown hair with wolf ears and tail.

"A werewolf?"Taufan mumbled as he saw him.

The werewolf noticed their gaze and smiled.

"Hello!"He said as he approached them. "Any of you know the way to the auction?"

The three of them exchange glanced before Taufan said that it was probably underground since there were only small markets near.

"Thanks! I've been searching for hours!"The werewolf claimed and took out his claws. "Are you guys also rescuing someone?"

"Yes, we are."Halilintar said with distrust in his voice. He was keeping his guard up, not trusting him one bit.

Why? Because a werewolf are known to be aggressive. They love to toy around with their prey until they die. Yet this werewolf seemed to be quite friendly.

The werewolf stared at him for a second before he smiled. "You're cool!"He said before he looked at Taufan and Thorn. "Amd you two should be more skeptical about me, you know? I'm a werewolf. I love to play with my preys."He smiled with his sharp teeth that could easily tear a body.

His teeth sent a shiver through their spine and the boy just laughed at their expression while Halilintar stood in front of them protectively.

"I'm just kidding! I've got no reason to hurt you."He shrugged. "Enough with the jokes. I need to get my twin back."

He then started to dig down, which he easily manage to do with his sharp claws.

"Um.."Taufan looked at him."I think that it will be faster with magic.."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"The werewolf  complained and jumped out of the hole.

"You didn't ask..?"Taufan said.

"Good point."The boy nodded and his red eyes shimmered under the moonlight. "Make sure to make an explosive one!"

"But won't that get the bad people's attention?"Taufan asked.

"Probably, but that's good! More chaos means more distraction."The boy said.

Taufan wanted to disagree, but realized that he indeed had a point, so he just casted destruction magic.

"Sometimes I wonder why he even knows this kind of magic.."Halilintar thought as he watched Taufan destroy the ground, creating an opening for them.

"Icy!"The boy immediately ran towards his twin as soon as he saw him and broke the cage apart with his bare hand. "My poor baby twin."

"We sure are lucky to find them this fast."Taufan said. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am."Boboiboy replied and smiled.

Suddenly Ice smacked his twin and glared at him. "I've been waiting here for five damn hours!"

"This shit is underground! How am I supposed to know!?"His twin said.

"With your nose idiot!"Ice sighed in frustration. "You gotta be the dumbest person alive."

"Mean!"Blaze pouted.

"Dumb idiot."Ice said.

"Is he your cellmate or something??"Taufan whispered.

"Yes, he is."Boboiboy replied.

"We have to leave now or they will get us."Halilintar suggested.

"Wait! We still have to save one more person."Boboiboy said.
Thank you for reading :)

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