S.2 ch.7:Grandson

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"Have you found anything?"Solar asked.

"No.."Fang sighed. "We've checked all of the library here, even those that were hidden"He glanced at Thorn who was unconscious in the bubble. "I don't know where else to search."

"What about treasure room?"Solar asked.

"Perhaps"He paused. "But it's too risky. The treasure room is guarded by our best guards and was placed with a strong spell to prevent anyone from teleporting inside"


The two of them thought of a different plan to gain information when suddenly the guards found them.

"Shi-! We need to go!"Fang shouted and they ran while Solar levitated the bubble Thorn was in along with them.

"There!"Solar said and they hid behind a moveable bookshelf.

"Thank god there are so many hiding places in this castle."Fang sighed in relief.

"Indeed"Solar agreed.

Just as they thought they were safe, they were found and caught by surprise by the guards.

"Tch, causing trouble again"one of the guards said as they looked at Fang with disgust as they locked the prison's door shut.

Fang rolled his eyes, not caring the fact that he was being disrespected by his own people.

"I can't use my magic"Thorn---who was now awake---said.

"Me neither"Solar added. "Do you know a way out of here?"

The prince glanced at the guard behind him, watching them in the shadow. "No, I don’t"He lied and put up his thumb before his chest so the guard wouldn't see it.

"I see"Solar nodded, getting the sign.

In the meantime, the other groups were peacefully looking around a small village. Despite its innocent look, the village has more hidden space then they can count.

"Geez, there's so many corpses"Taufan said with disgust in his voice as they walked through an underground tunnel.

"Yeah"Ying agreed, avoiding to look at the corpses and moving as fast as possible as she felt like throwing up staying there.

"You can go out if you want, I can continue on my own"Taufan offered.

"No, thank you. I can do it"Ying said and almost tripped over an old bone, regretting her choice right away but stayed strong nevertheless.

"There's nothing here"Yaya said, flipping pages from hudreds of books using her magic. "Did you find anything?"

"No"Boboiboy replied from the other side of the hidden library with Halilintar guarding and helping him.

"Boboiboy"Gempa called.


"May I go somewhere else?"

"Of course, but be careful"Boboiboy said with genuine worry, remembering how they almost got caught by guards not long ago.

"I will"Gempa bowed before leaving.

He walked through the village until he arrived at a little neighbourhood near the forest. His golden eyes traveled across the houses until someone startled him.

"Are you searching for anyone specific?"A woman asked while holding her daughter's hand.

"Oh- yes, I am"He smiled politely. "Do you know where a grandma called Martha lives? I remember her living here."

"Oh.."Her expression saddened. "I'm afraid that you won't be able to see her."

His chest tightened, knowing something bad had happened. "How come?"

"The nice gradma died"Her seven year old daughter said in a sad tone. "She was very nice, but also sad.."She mumbled the last part.

Her mother nodded in agreement. "She had died two years ago. It's truly sad.. she has been searching for her grandson that ran away the past years and didn't give up until her very last breath. I still wonder why he would even run away.."

"Mhm! Grandma was really nice! He doesn't have any reason to! And he made grandma sad.."The little girl said.

His heart sank, fighting the burning feeling in his eyes. "I see.."

"If you still want to visit her.."She motioned at a graveyard not far away.

"Thank you"Gempa bowed in gratitude and walked towards the said place.

It didn't take him long to find the right grave and he kneeled down with a sad smile. "Hi grandma.. I miss you"

Tears blurred his vision. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for leaving. I didn't mean to.. I had to."

"Goodnight my little dragon,"A grandma said with the sweetest smile.

"Night grandma!"The little boy smiled and closed his dragon's eyes as she patted his head for the last time before closing the door, falling into a deep slumber.

Then a far noise managed to wake him up as his ears perked up at the familiar voices. "Hm?"He peeked through the window and saw lights down the road. "Wait.. is that..?"

He got up and quietly left the room so he didn't wake his grandma and walked towards the lights.

"He must be hiding here somewhere. I can feel a dragon's scent."An evil voice said. "He really thought that he could escape!"

Gempa frozed in place when he finally realized who they were. Hunters. The same hunters who had killed his family and chased him through the lands.

His body trembled in fear, tears threatening to fall at the memory engraved deep in his mind.

"Nononono!"He forces himself to move and returned to his house. "I have to hide!"

Just as he was searching for a hiding spot, he saw his grandmother's sleeping figure. She looked so peaceful, clueless to the danger.

She didn't know. He was in danger. And she was too.

A thing clicked in his mind, releazing that if he hid and stayed there the hunters will threaten her until she told his location.

But she won't. No. His grandma would never let them get him. She knew what they had done to his family. But he also knew what happens to those who protects him..

"I have to leave.."He mumbled. "But.."His gaze stayed on his grandma.

Loud steps were heard and he didn't have time to hesitate. He left through the backdoor and ran deep into the woods, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry grandma, but I don't want you to get hurt too!" Everything in his mind told him to run back to his grandma's loving embrace, but he knew the risk.

And he wasn't going to risk it.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^ Feel free to correct my grammar anytime :^

Gempa lore-

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