S.2 ch.21:Ice

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The sky split in half and revealed a huge ice block falling towards Cordelia with immense speed.

'Do you really think that something like that can stop me?' Cordelia scoffed as she summoned a huge trident and threw it right through it, splitting it in half before it crumbled into million of pieces.

'That would've been pathetic.' Ice appeared behind her and swung his sword.

For a split second her melody stopped as she winced in pain from the blow, but she managed to miss it with only a scratch on her arm.

Without any second to waste Ice sent the broken pieces of sharp ice flying towards her and emerged into them.

'Tch.' She screamed and the pieces stopped mid air, dissolving into the air. 'Come out!'

Once again he appeared behind her, but this time she had seen it coming and immediately swung her trident.

It pierced right through his chest and she smirked. 'I told you that you can't win.'

'How foolish of you to think I'd do the same attack twice.' The body she had strucked turned into dust and she coughed while he grabbed her feet and dragged her to the ice plattform beneath them.

"Argh!"She cried out, stopping her melody once again.

Her wave weakened behind her with the lack of melody and Ice didn't waste any second to stab her through her chest.

Blood spattered out of her mouth. Her deep blue eyes looked at him with cold anger.

'You lost.'He scoffed.

'But you won't win either.' Before Ice could react she grabbed his shoulder, piercing her now sharp icy nail onto his skin as purple liquid filled his body.

'What is she-' His body suddenly throbbed and he fell on his knees. The ice plattform he had created crumbled to pieces and they fell into the ocean.

Cordelia streched her hands towards the ground of the ocean and used her last bit of power before she finally closed her eyes with her last breath.

Seaweed vines wrapped Ice's body and dragged him deeper into the ocean. He tried to free himself, to move his body, but nothing worked.

The water surrounding him mixed with his and Cordelia's blood. His vision became blurry as his body throbbed with pain. Every part of him felt like in fire, blood seeping out of his skin as a strong water currents surrounded him, locking him in.

"Is this how die..?"He asked himself, his body being dragged deeper and deeper into the ocean's ground. With each second passing by the pain became bearable, almost numbing. "It's surprisingly peaceful.." And his sweetest memories flashed by as he slowly died.

"We might aswell be twins with your new appearance!"Blaze giggled and wrapped his arm around Ais's shoulder as they looked at their reflection.

"I guess.."Ais mumbled, somehow feeling pleased with the idea of being Blaze's twin.

"Then let's just be twins!"Blaze exclaimed with brightest smile.

His words surprised him and he turned to look at him. "Be.. twins..?"He asked, stunned by his suggestion.


"But we're not even related.."

"So? We can still be brothers! Twins even!"Blaze grinned.

"You think so..?"Ais's ocean blue eyes gleamed with something awfully similiar to hope.

"Of course!"Blaze then let go of him and fidgetted with his fingers. "Do you want to..?"

To his surprise Ais smiled at him for the very first time. "I do."

He will never admit it, but his heart always feel warm whenever Blaze called him his 'brother' or 'twin'. They may not be bloodrelated but he is more of a family to him than his own ever was.

"Ice."He said.

"You want to change your name to Ice?"Blaze asked while tilting his head.

He nodded. "I want to start anew as Ice."

"If that's what you want,"Blaze smiled. "Then I will support you!"

With his new identity he fully put away his past and started a new life as Blaze's twin.

"What was that for!?"Blaze exclaimed after Ice pushed him into the river.

"You smell."Ice said with disgust.

"Heh!?"That enraged Blaze even more as he splashed water at Ice who was completely unbothered by it.

With a flick of his fingers, a bubble of water appeared and hit Blaze right on his face. "Uff!"He let out as he was pushed backward and slipped, making him fall under the water.

"Stinky idiot."Ice said and smiled cheekily.

"Pfft, poor Blaze!"Taufan and Thorn giggled behind them along with Boboiboy and Halilintar who tried to hold back their laughs while Gempa seemed worried.

Then he met his other family. Ice never said it, but they too are a part of his family.

"Hm?"He stared at his now repaired practice bow.

It was his favourite, but broke in training which mad him sad though he didn't say anything and simply placed it in his room and used another bow.

Ice walked to the whale plush on his bed and used his magic to see its recording. At some point he placed a recording magic in his plushies that were always all over his and Blaze's shared room in case of a prank to find out whoever the culprit was that dare prank him.

To his surprise he saw Solar enter the room and repair his bow quietly before he left.

"He must have put his guard down if he didn't notice the recording magic.."Ice thought and looked at his bow again. Only Blaze knew that it was his favourite bow, atleast that's what he thought before. They could've easily replace the bow with a new one, just like any other practice equiptment. Yet Solar repaired it for him as if he knew that Ice didn't want to replace it.

"He is a tsundere just like Hali,"Ice thought and smiled a little. Seem like the new member isn't as apathetic as he seems.

Even Solar slowly became part of his family, along with Boboiboy's grandpa, master Lucas, the servants and other teachers. It was something he never thought he could have. A caring and loving family.

"I.."He smiled softly. "Have no regrets."

Then he opened his eyes one last time to see the sunlight for the very last time. It was blurry, his eyes felt heavy, but he saw a worried pair of cherry red orbs and a hand reaching out for him.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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