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The whole shit show of a maniacal robot built by two of the world's smartest men, showed that they didn't really live up to their hype. So of course, she got involved, she had to. Being the badass she was, there was no way she wasn't going to miss out on all the fun.

Besides, saving New Yorkers, and killing the scum of the city, not to mention a few around the world, she had to live up to her name. She was the villain after all.

It was funny to think, that her mother never wanted her, dropped her off to the man that was her so called father, only for him to abandon her to his own father. The sick, twisted bastard who made her life hell. She grew up only knowing pain, violence, abuse and aggression. She took it all, until the day she snapped.

Sitting in her seat, as Axel flew them to Sokovia, she smiled to herself, remembering the night she tortured the monster, who destroyed her life. Nine years old, and she laughed soulessly down at him, as he choked on his own blood, his blood that dripped from her little hands, plunging the knife into him, over and over again.

He deserved it, he deserved far more that what she gave him, but she didn't care at the time. She made him stop, made him scream, made him feel just a sliver of what he did to her.

That night she had washed up, packed a bag, took all the money she could find, and left. That was the night, she became free. Living on the streets, she adapted to life easily, she had lived worse.

For years she had spent her time, learning in the library, absorbing every piece of information she could find. Learning to survive, by stealing. She never got caught, not until she was older, but that was when she met one ofn the first men she could trust, Joseph Diaz. He was a beat cop, and only two years ago, made homicide detective. He would always keep his ear to the desk for her name to pop up over some shit.

Now, she was 27, with a rap sheet so long, it could fill the New York library. It did come in handy, that one of her friends was an agent, another was a detective, one was a lawyer, and a few other questionable characters in her life.

At 16, she managed to have a profound knowledge of technology, computer science, digital engineering. She created a whole new identity for herself. Having legit emancipation papers, she had acquired an apartment with money she had siphoned from the rich, over on 41st East Street. It was close to Central Park, and the library.

Since then, her life had been easier, she got a job, put herself through college, making sure to gain the PHDs she wanted. And then she found a whole new world, one that no one noticed, one that she only read about in books, legends that came to life.

She had fallen down that rabbit hole, and found it excited her, that darkness, the strange, and deadly. In her thirst to know the truth, she had run into one of the most evil creatures she had met. That night, her whole life changed again, making her one of 'them'.

At nights, when she wasn't working, she was taking to the streets, fighting crime, taking down drug rings, killing a lot of bad people, but to the public, she was the number one enemy, the villain. No one knew who she was, she had spent years honing her skills, making sure she was never tracked, or found. For five years, she kept the city under control.

'Yo! You fucked off to la-la land?..'.. She jolted her head round to Axel in the pilot seat, seeing him give her a scowl as he turned his head... 'One to many hits to the head, or you just ignorant?..'

She looked out the windows, saw that they were close, and started to unbuckle... 'Don't fly lower, I'll drop in. You can land in Cheb, Crick will take you to my place, so stay the night, have fun but not too much. I'll touch base when I'm done..'.. She patted his shoulder and moved to grab her gear.

She had already changed into her suit, the moment they took off. Checking her weapons, she smiled. Oh, it would be fun to see the heroes fight a villain. It was a mantle she wore proudly, she didn't know how to be a hero anyway.

'Don't get caught Trix, I don't think Diaz can save your ass if you're stuck here..'.. Axel called to her.

'Only time I'm ever caught, is when I want to be..'.. She laughed... 'And its always as me anyway..'

Which was true. Her name, given by the public, was Reaper. She was death, and it followed her everywhere. She was never shy about how she killed, nor was she merciful to those who didn't deserve it.

Making sure her hair was all in place, she slipped her mask on, securing it in place. It covered her whole head, and pulled the hood up of her jacket, clipping it in place.

'Dropping in 20..'.. She head him shout... '$100 on you hitting at least one of them. Preferably the iron asshole..'

Trix laughed again, securing her chute... 'Just for you, I'll do it..'.. She moved right to the back, as the rear door opened. She ran out, straight into the air, keeping her arms to her sides, her legs straight as she dove, a HALO jump, High Altitude, Low Opening. Her record was for 603ft, but this time, she was aiming for a max of 500ft.

Her 'normal' friends didn't know she was Reaper, she wanted to keep them out of it, but they knew she was bat shit crazy. She spent a year, putting herself through military like training, needing to push herself, and to adapt to her new 'special skills'. At one point, she considered applying for SHIELD, but then again, she wasn't a good person, not really.

They stopped bad guys, and locked them away. Her, she would torture them for hours, and enjoying every single second of it.

Checking her Altitude level, she was 800ft, and kept her eyes to her wrist, watching the little screen. She glanced to the ground, as it was drawing up fast She was landing just outside the city, and she didn't want to be detected.

Hitting 587ft, she ripped the cord, releasing her chute. She almost had it, and she will, one day. Guiding herself down, she landed and quickly removed it, before running off.

She knew they would be here soon, she had already received word from the grumpy ass cyclops. He had offered to bring her over, but she wanted to keep her distance from the corrupted and broken organisation, he was trying to rebuild.

Slowing her pace enough, she kept her head down, listening to the people around her. She needed to find this robot bastard, and preferably take it back. All that tech within it, would be useful for new weapons.

It only took another three hours, and she heard the jet arrive. She was a little pissed she had to wait so long, she could've had another hour with Hannibal, but it was fine, she'd make it up to him when she got back.

Smiling under her mask, she stealthily made her way further into the city, hearing Stark flying over. She took note of where he landed, and decided to swing for him first.


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