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Bruce waited as the others stepped off the jet, all of them in their own special suits that Tony had made to protect them from the radiation. Aside from Vision, who didn't need a suit, and Tony in his adapted Ironman armour, all the others had helmets with a clear facing. He could see the anger in Nat as she strode off and he just sighed, she was definitely going to hate him, and Trix for this.

'Tell me the truth..'.. She came to a stop in front of him... 'Did she turn Clint?..'

'No..'.. He shook his head... 'Not that I saw, but she cares a lot about him, I don't think she would do that..'

'Where is he?..'..

'At her safe house, she locked him in her cage. He can't get out, unless he knows her code. She wanted him safe Nat, she doesn't want him in this..'.. He tells her, and he could see her anger disapate slightly.

Pietro kept his mouth shut on that. That doctor Strange guy had explained it to him, and he wasn't going to screw that up. Even though he agreed to be her alpha, if only to protect his sister, Strange told him what had to happen, then drew a vial of his blood, so Barton could be cured when it was time.

'And you..'.. Nat rounded on him, and he took a step forward, shaking his head.

'Don't. Already got her blood put aside to be cured, so this isn't permanent..'.. His tone was sharp, but she was silent... 'So, instead of throwing a fit, let's get going, yes?..'.. He turned, heading to the door of the building, that held the humans.

Loki smirked, his head whipping to Nat... 'Anyone else find that attractive, or just me?..'

Bucky shook his head, and followed after Pietro... 'Let's move, sooner we get them free, the sooner we know who we're going after..'

The others were all irritated about this news, but they followed after Pietro, just as he ripped the lock off the door, and yanked it open... 'I understand the attraction of an alpha male..'.. Loki chuckled as they all walked in, and Wanda slapped his arm.

'Stay away from my brother. He's taking that cure when this is done..'.. She scowled at him.

'Any other surprises we should know about while we're here?..'.. Tony snarked, as he looked around, Friday scanning the building.

'Guess we'll find out..'.. Pietro called back as he reached another door, and he sniffed the air... 'Once we're in here..'.. He tapped the door... 'You can shut it down. They're close by..'


Trix popped her shoulder back in place, gritted her teeth at the pain, and pushed herself to stand... 'Fucking hate doing that..'.. She looked around, seeing she was on the outskirts of Bridgetown. At least she wasn't too far from the city, but she'd have to shift to make it back. Giving herself a small break, she tapped the comm... 'Whistler, put Specter through..'

'You got it..'..

Trix started walking down the back road, towards the city when she heard him... 'We got trouble..'

'Uh, I am trouble..'.. She rolled her eyes... 'Whats going on?..'

'Khonshu, he explained that long ago, the wolves were his soldiers, who were commanded by his avatar. There was one before who abused that power, controlling them to do what he wanted and they rebelled. There's a reason you're a female alpha Trix..'... She heard him sigh, and she stopped, thinking about what he was saying... 'You can pull them all back together, you can bring them into your pack..'..

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