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Wade leaned against the wall, hearing the screaming come from the other side of the door, and the growls. It didn't last long, but he smirked proudly, this was the least that motherfucker deserved, but he got lucky, Wade would have dragged out the torture.

'Here..'.. He looked up, seeing Logan hold out his jacket, to him... 'She's gonna need to cover up..'

Wade chuckled, taking it... 'Trix don't give a fuck..'

'I know, but the others don't know, and she wouldn't want them to know..'.. Logan leaned back against the wall opposite him, folding his arms... 'What was it, that made her shift?..'

'If she wanted you to know, she'd tell you..'.. Wade shrugged. Only him, Hannibal and Whistler knew the full truth. Sure, a few others knew she was a werewolf, but the more 'normal' friends, only knew her as Trix, the side of her she showed. Wade didn't care as to who or what she was, he knew she was a good person, a badass, considering the shit hand she was dealt.

Hearing a knock on the door, he unlocked it, seeing her naked, and drenched in blood... 'Not gonna lie, that was almost as satisfying as sex with you..'... She pointed to Wade and walked out. He glanced into the room behind her, seeing a mangled mess of a body in the middle of the room.

'Logan thinks you need this..'.. He tossed her the jacket, which she held up, and handed it back to Logan.

'No offence, but fuck no. I aint hiding this perfection..'.. She gestured to her body, and walked towards the elevator up ahead... 'Want to fill me in on where the others are?..'

'Topside..'.. Logan slipped his jacket back on, ignoring that she was walking ahead of them, naked... 'Charges are set. Whistler said she's tracking the heroes, but you need to get back, now..'

Trix took a deep breath and shook her head, holding her hand out to Logan... 'Phone..'.. He handed it over, and she pulled up Whistler's number, calling her, who answered in two rings... 'Whats happened?..'

Whistler told her everything, from Romanoff entering the bar, switching Rae with Frank, Loki coming in, and everything in between. Trix ground her teeth as she stepped into the elevator, hanging up and handing the phone back... 'This is just fucking great. I end this shit, only for a new wave of fuckery to come at me..'

'Whats the plan now?..'.. Wade rolled his neck, as they headed up.

'Find out who knows what, and send them off to chase ghosts..'.. Trix rubbed her forehead.

'Its over Trix, you got him..'.. Logan put a hand on her shoulder and she smiled up at him, nodding.

'They're gone, they're all gone..'.. She knew he didn't know, but she wasn't just talking about Hydra, but every single disgusting prick, who touched her mother. She had spent almost her whole life, thinking the worst of her mother, of Banner. She had planned or destroying his life, but when Crick had come to her, after the shit in Sokovia, hearing a drunken confession from one of his bountys, he had set her on the trail.

She just never expected to find so much darkness, laced into her past. She wanted to bring Pierce down, because of Hydra, but finding out the truth, she wanted to rip him apart, and she did. She got justice for her mother, an innocent life, tainted and ruined, when all she wanted, was to have a normal life, with the boy she loved.

She knew in time, she would have to have a conversation with Banner, explain what happened to his girlfriend years ago, but for now, she needed a break.

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