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Hannibal and Wade shared a look, as Whistler's message came across their vision, knowing this was just going to be an epic blow out. Seeing the message, that the Avengers were now at the bar, causing a scene, while they were parked up around the corner, neither one wanted to wake Trix.

'She has a right to know..'.. Fliss sat forward, looking between the two, and glancing across to the sleeping, naked woman next to her.

'She, has a name..'.. Trix let out a heavy sigh, and opened her eyes... 'Any reason we're not outside the bar?..'.. She looked out the window.

'The heroes are there, and losing their shit right now..'.. Han turns to look at her, and she shrugged.

'Ok, I got an idea..'.. She took hold of Fliss chin, making her look at her... 'Whistler, have Rae pull out four outfits, and four nanos of me, I should have enough wigs and contacts too. Tell Jess and the others to keep the assholes busy, we'll be 10 minutes. Me and Fliss will come in the back way, get the shower going for me, would you..'

Trix rolled her window dow and stuck her head out, seeing the other three standing off to the side... 'Logan, gonna need that jacket now..'.. She held her hand out and he shrugged it off as he walked over, and passing it through the window. She slipped it on and got out, it barely covered her ass, but it was dark out anyway... 'Fliss, let's go. You guys, go keep them busy, we'll see you inside..'.. She grabbed Fliss hand, and dragged her off, the two running to the alley, that led behind her bar.

Skidding to a stop at the back door, she punched in the code and dragged Fliss in, and up the stairs. She didn't stop as she raced to her small room at the back, and dived into the running shower. Within two minutes, she was clean, and brushed out her hair. Grabbing the clothes laid out for her, she got dressed without even bothering to dry off.

Taking a breath, she stepped into her office, seeing Rae, Fliss and Abby, dressed like her, slipping the wigs on and contacts in. She could drop the power dampening, so Rae could change but it was too risky. She could hear the shouting down in the bar.

'You ladies ready?..'.. She asked, slipping her feet into a pair of boots. They all activated the masks, and she grinned, heading for the door. Blowing out a breath, she pushed open the door to the bar, and whistled loudly... 'Who the fuck do you think you are, shouting and screaming in here? Show some respect..'.. She glared at Stark, seeing his eyes go wide, looking between her and the ones behind, to Jess, also in a nano.

'Wai, wait wait..'.. Here pointed between them, as all five women lined up next to each other. Her lot of guys started sniggering, helping themselves to the bar, while the Avengers looked a little shocked and nervous.... 'There's five of you?..'

'Every porn directors wet dream, I know..'.. Trix rolled her eyes.

'Why are you lot here Mr Stark? I would've thought the tip I gave earlier would've had you all in Boston by now..'.. Fliss folded her arms, confusing them.

'You said it?..'.. Romanoff gestured to Fliss.

'Yes..'.. All five answered as one, making her guys burst out laughing.

'I'm so fucking turned on right now..'.. Wade groaned.

'Cheers to that..'.. Han clinked his shot glass to Wades, and Marc did the same.

'One hell of a fantasy, let me tell you..'.. Marc chuckled, throwing his shot back.

'Ok, ok..'.. Rogers ran a hand over his face... 'Look, we need to talk, and preferably to the real Trix here..'

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