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The jet landed back at the compound, and everyone walked out, but Tony instantly knew something was wrong, it was too quiet. He looked around, heading towards the hangar, and saw Clint walk over, confusion on his face.

'Where is everyone?..'.. Those words made Tony stop in his tracks, as the others joined him.

'What'd you mean?..'.. Nat asked Clint.

'There's no one here. I asked Friday, and she said everyone was sent away. Only us lot have clearance to be in the compound. We're the only ones here..'.. He looked between them, and noticed Loki frowning at him. Shit, clearly the device Trix gave him worked, as the look in Lokis eyes said he knew.

'How long have you been here?..'.. Steve looked around.

'About 10 minutes. Friday told me you guys were on your way back, everything ok?..'.. He turned away from Loki, slipping his hands into his pockets.

'I can't read him..'.. Wanda stepped forward... 'Its static, same as Thor..'.. She looked over to the blonde asgardian... 'I don't know what's going on, but you two, Tony and Loki are all hiding things..'

Nat folded her arms, glaring at the four men... 'Look, we're a team, or supposed to be one. Keeping shit from each other isn't going to work, so get inside and start talking, now..'.. She pointed to the door leading in, and set them all with a look... 'Everyone, is going to talk, even if I have to beat it out of you..'

Tony held his hands up and started walking in, the others trailing behind... 'Friday, why was everyone sent away?..'

'Only Avengers have clearance in the compound boss. I have taken over of running the building, with safety protocols in place. Shortly after the team left, I began locking down restricted areas, and disabling clearance levels of other staff..'..

'What? Why?..'.. Tony was baffled, he didn't do this.

'No one can be trusted..'..

Those words made him stop again, and he glanced back at the others... 'Friday, who told you to do that?..'

'Unknown. Order came from outside the compound, and a compelling case was made. For the safety of the team, I locked it all down..'..

'Fuck me..'.. Tony ran a hand over his face and carried on, heading to the main room, knowing exactly who did it.

'By your reaction, I'm gonna take a guess it was a certain bar owner..'.. Nats voice was laced with irritation... 'Why? Where the hell did you go? And what are you keeping from us?..'

They all step into the main room, and settle on the couches. Tony took a deep breath and shook his head... 'First things first. Don't interrupt me, keep all questions and comments until the end..'.. He sat on the arm of the couch, propping his foot up... 'Coulsons alive..'.. The pure shock on the other five original Avengers faces, was what he was sure his reaction was... 'Yeah, not the best part though..'.. He filled them all in on what he was told, but noticed both Asgardians exchange a glance at one point.


Trix chuckled, as she strolled through the trees. Hill had come round, only to find herself bound, gagged, and over Trix shoulder as she walked... 'You keep trying to fight me Hill, and I'll knock you the fuck out again..'.. The woman stopped wriggling, and made muffled noises... 'Oh don't worry, you can scream all you want when we get there, no one will hear you..'

Hearing a noise off to her right, Trix sniffed the air, and then pulled a face, knowing exactly who it was coming her way... 'You smell like a rotten corpse..'.. She raised her voice slightly, knowing she would be heard. With her hearing, she chuckled at the reply.

She had ran for a good 15 minutes north, to where a cabin was, one that belonged to an old friend. It was at least 3 miles from anyone local, and it was remote enough that only the hardiest of hikers dared to venture the trail. Trust Logan to picked somewhere, that people literally couldn't bother him.

She heard Hills muffled sounds again, and just to be a dick, she dropped the woman, hard and turned, kicking her onto her back and pulling the gun on her... 'I seriously have no problems shooting you right now. I can find anything I need on the tablet, you're only alive because my dog needs a new chew toy..'.. She knew her grin was menacing, by the fear that flitted across Hills eyes... 'In fact, the only way you even have a chance of staying alive and getting out of this, depends on how valuable any information you have is..'.. Trix crouched down, pressing the barrel to Hills thigh hard, and pulling the trigger.

The sound was muffled slightly, as were Hills screams. Trix move the gun away, and with her other hand, patted the wound... 'Now, the smell of blood drive my dog wild. You have until we get there, to decide if you want to live, or die a slow, agonising death, as a chew toy..'.. She gripped Hill by the hair, yanking her up to her feet and shoving her forward... 'We got another half hour walk, you drop before then, you die. I have no use for you, but my dog will happily wolf you down..'

Trix chuckled, hearing the whimpers, smelling the blood, it made her sick. Oh, did they really think they could fool everyone? She knew they existed, and it started to piece together in her head. Her wolf side was chomping at the bit to come out, and let her anger take over. If it wasn't for the shots, courtesy of Sommer, Trix wouldn't have this much control.


It took a little longer than half hour, as the woman was losing blood, but Trix was a little impressed, the woman soldiered on. As the cabin came into view, she let out a whistle, seeing the door open. He was inside, and he was alone which was good. She needed him to take perimeter, just incase.

'Hope you got some sort of booze there, gonna need it..'.. She called to him, and heard him chuckle, pushing the woman forward and up the three steps, before throwing her to the floor.

'Onky the best. Took it from the bar..'.. He held a glass out to her. She took it and knocked it back, the familiar honey taste coating her tongue.

'Really? This is $2,000 a bottle..'.. She scoffed, handing the glass back to him.

'She doesn't smell right..'.. She looked back, as the voice changed, seeing the symbiote had taken over... 'Hmm, I will still eat it..'

Trix laughed, and glanced to the woman on the floor, seeing horror in her face... Well then..'.. She gripped the woman by the arm, and hauled her into a chair, before yanking the gag from her mouth... 'Where the fuck, is the real Hill? And what the fuck are Skrulls planning?..'.. She pulled the gun again, and shot the other thigh, making her scream.

'I'm Maria Hill..'...

Trix shot in the shoulder... 'What do you think is going to happen once I run out of bullets? I have plenty more tools, or honestly, I'll let V here eat you, I'm not fussed either way..'... She waved the gun, and Venom growled in approval.

The two watched as the bound woman glanced between them, before sagging in defeat, her image changing to that of a bald green creature with pointed ears... 'Please, I-I was doing what was ordered..'

'Whats your orders?..'.. Trix raised the gun again.

'Take DNA of the Avengers, and any others of enhanced, or powerful beings that were on file..'..

Trix took a beat, thinking it over... 'You just gave yourself a reprieve. Start talking, and know this..'.. She moved forward, dropping to sit on their lap, the gun barrel being pushed into their mouth... 'The moment you lie to me, I won't kill you, but I will watch V rip you apart while I have a drink, got it?..'.. The Skrull nodded in fear, and Trix smiled, getting back up... 'Tell me everything...'


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