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Trix saw the time, watching the hand tick to 6.48am. It was officially morning, and she didn't turn. She had felt the urge, but it wasn't strong enough to force her, she was able to control it. She knew she could turn if she wanted to, that wasn't the problem, it was during the full moons she had trouble.

Unlocking the collar, she tossed it aside, and stood up, stretching out, grinning madly. She couldn't wait to tell Sommer, Whistler and the others. This could work for all the others that suffered with it, like her. She knew there wasn't a cure, but this was as close as possible.

Heading to the other corner, she grabbed her clothes and got dressed in her shorts and vest, before punching in the code to unlock the door, heading upstairs. She was excited, happy and for the first time in a long time, she wasn't afraid of the future.


Bucky was bored already. The two bad talked eventually, in between watching Lord of the Rings last night, his choice of course. It surprised him that the two had a lot in common, it was quite disturbing really, but at least Loki was more tolerable, for now. They still had another 18 days together.

Buckys mind wandered to the tattooed brunette, wondering if he would see her again. Or if her tattoos covered her whole body. Shaking his head, he stepped out of his room, heading to the kitchen to grab something to eat and a coffee.

'I feel like taking a stroll this morning, care to join?..'.. Bucky raised an eyebrow at Loki, who was sitting on the couch again.

'Did you even sleep? And why would you think its a good idea to leave here? We're supposed to be in hiding, not strolling down the street..'.. Bucky sipped the coffee, his stomach grumbling that it wasn't enough.

'I can alter our appearances, and thought perhaps a trip to that establishment to see your fair lady would brighten the day..'.. Loki smirked at him.

Bucky brightened at the idea, and he narrowed his eyes... 'Whats the real reason?..'

Loki chuckled, standing up and waving his hand, making a cup of tea appear across from Bucky as he join him at the small breakfast bar... 'I thought perhaps we could get to know those around the place, maybe there is someone who has information on this woman. My thoughts last night, for one who has such a list of crimes, and is not punished for it, why does this Reaper not kill her?..'

Bucky frowned at him... 'What do you mean?..'

'Surely this Reaper is aware of this..'.. Loki picked up his cup... 'This Trix. She must have created quite a name for herself, perhaps she has crossed paths with Reaper, or someone who would know..'

'Hm..'.. Bucky drank his coffee, thinking about it... 'Her power dampening though, wouldn't that affect your thing?..'... He gestured to Loki with his cup.

'Unfortunately, yes. Which is why we will speak with those around the place. We may have some luck, and cross paths with her before she enters the building. Perhaps even find out where she lives..'.. Loki smiled proudly.

'So, you want to harrass the people who live and work around the bar, stalk her to her home, and then what?..'.. Bucky shook his head, clearly Loki didn't know a thing about boundaries.

'You make it sound so immoral..'... Loki scoffed as he drank his tea.

'We're not doing that, at all. Look, we can go out, as long as we're in disguise or whatever, but we're not going to harrass and stalk people. If we see her out, then she won't even know it-..'

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