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Bucky pushed open the door, and seeing that it was her office. The colours were strong, black, white and grey. It was clear she wanted to show her strength of who she was, by how her office looked. He saw her in the back right corner, by a window, pouring drinks. There was a door a few feet behind her, that was closed, and he wondered what was behind there.

Stepping in, he glanced around, seeing a large black suede couch against the left wall, and her desk in the middle. There was hardly anything that decorated the place, no personal touches to give it away.

'Come in, sit down..'.. She turned to them with a smile, setting two glasses on her desk, and grabbed a third, sitting in her chair and gesturing to the two empty seats across from her.

Bucky felt Loki poke him in the back, and sweep past him to sit down... 'I will not insult your intelligence, but you know why we are here..'.. Loki took a seat, and picked up a glass, nodding his head in thanks as Bucky sat next to him.

'Of course I know your highness, there is nothing I don't know..'... She smiled across to them.

'What are you?..'.. Bucky wasn't going to dance around it.... 'You were at the fight last night. How are you so strong?..'

'First, I am a woman..'.. She gestured to herself as she sat back, putting her feet up on the edge of her desk... 'Secondly, I was here, all night. In fact, I can happily show you the security footage I have, plus the witnesses who were here with me all night. And as for me being strong, life dealt me a shit deal, so I know how to handle anything..'

Loki chuckled. He knew lies, and she was dancing around them so well... 'A woman, yes. But I believe you to be something more...'

'Flattered your highness, but if you wish to fuck me, just come right out and say it. Pretty words mean nothing to me..'.. She winked at him, seeing the shock on his face at her bluntness.

'Do you know Max then?..'.. Bucky cleared his throat, thinking about how turned on he was fighting the woman last night.

'The champion, perhaps. We have acquaintances. Sergeant Barnes, it is adorable as to how polite you are trying to be, but may I just ask that you come right out and say what it is on your mind. I have a lot to do today, and have no time for chit-chat..'.. She picked up her drink, knocking it back.

'Ok..'.. He sat back, watching her... 'Fury and Hill became interested in you, we don't know why, but I'm starting to see it. He stuck us on trying to find Reaper, with the thought you might know something, considering what you do. Last night we met Max, and she was strong, really strong, like me and she was fast. We didn't get to see her face and Loki couldn't read her. So, either you know them, or you know how to get to them..'

He fidgeted under her gaze and she dropped her feet, linking her fingers on the desk... 'First, Fury has been after me for the past ten years, because I'm very smart, more so that Mr Stark. My skills with computers is what put me on his radar, when I bounced the stock market, and stole a few million, pouring it back into poor areas of the country..'

Bucky was surprised, but didn't say anything... 'I refused and still do, to be a part of a corrupt organisation. SHIELD was and still is, a "me, myself and I". They don't really care about the people, only what benefits them. They covet those who they can use, and bend to their will, I wouldn't follow that. I knew exactly what Fury wanted me for, but I wasn't going to be the scapegoat when shit went sideways..'

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