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Trix sat back, putting the chair on its two back legs as her feet were up on the table, her eyes closed. She was waiting for Diaz to come in, and read her the riot act, again. They can't really be pissed at her, she did just stop a crooked detective, and bring evidence of his involvement, in narcotics and human trafficking.

She had walked right into the station, up to Riverez, and started hitting him. She managed to break his nose, busted eye socket, dislocate his arm, and cracked a rub or two before six others managed to drag her off, but only because she relented. She had to stop or she would kill him.

She had stood back, tossed the drive to Diaz, and moved to make a coffee in the corner, while everyone else quickly huddled to get Riverez help. She was known at the precinct, and many knew not to get in her way. With the amount of shit she did, she never went to prison for it, just a night or two in the cells, someone higher up clearly wanted to keep her on the streets.

She didn't open her eyes when she heard the door, just smiled to herself, knowing Diaz and Carlton walked in... 'Any chance of you giving us your contacts names?..'

'You already know the answer to that detective..'.. She peeked over at Diaz... 'Did he choke on his blood and die?..'

Carlton cleared his throat as he sat down, trying not to laugh... 'No, but he's been seen to, and now in custody while we go over the evidence. He wants to press charges against you for assault..'

'Not the first one, and won't be the last..'.. She dropped her feet and chair, sitting up... 'You all know I only go after those that deserve it. So, how much time am I sitting in the cells for this time? And any chance I can get some Popeyes? I'm starving..'

'We've been told to hold you for now. Your name has been flagged in the system as a person of interest..'... Diaz links his fingers over the file he has.

'I am well aware that I have been, and I know exactly who it is, its not happening..'.. She stands up and moves to the two way mirror behind them, and folds her arms. She knew exactly where he was behind it... 'The answer is still no Fury, I'm not joining your band of freaks and geeks..'

'You owe me $10..'.. Diaz held a hand out to Carlton who just sighed, handing over the money.

'Let's be honest here..'.. Trix began to pace about... 'I'm the one who does the dirty work, finds the bad guys who deserve to be brought to justice. Yes, I use unethical methods, but that's why nothing I've done ever sticks, right? Because you all need me to keep doing what I'm doing, as long as I don't kill. So, either stick me in a time out, or let me walk out of here, I got shit to do..'

The room was silent for a minute and Diaz sighed... 'You're free to go. If you have any other information, bring it to me, and next time, don't start beating down a badge in a room full of cops..'.. He stood up, picking up the file... 'We've already started on Riverez contacts, if you want to bring them in, great..'

'How about I incapacitate them, and then put in a call?..'.. She shrugged and Carlton laughed this time, with Diaz giving hin a stern look.

'Look, I don't know who you got watching out for you, but one day your luck is going to run out Trix, so please don't go too far off the deep end..'.. Diaz nods to her.

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