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Trix knew she was coming and didn't turn to look, instead, she kept her attention to the sky, waiting for the supposed jet to come get her. It would be funny to think they'd have a chance to step off, but she would kill them before they drew a weapon.

'Stark was jerking off with your name on his lips this morning in his shower..'..

Trix laughed, shaking her head... 'Anyone ever tell you you're a pervert?..'

'You, multiple times..'..

Trix turned her head to her friend as she came to Trix side... 'Merce, you could've given the guy a heart attack, no spying on them..'

Mercy shrugged and folded her arms... 'Hes got a nice one though. Anyway, everyone is ready to go when on your command..'

Trix knew Mercy was referring to the team she usually worked with, Wade and the others. She needed someone to get through the compound without being seen, and Mercy was best... 'How many in the white house?..'

'Eleven. Soon as I got your message last night I came straight here, checking in with Whistler. This lot know about you yet?..'.. Mercy asked, and Trix nodded.

'Everything. Daisy and her team don't know the full truth, only that I have contacts all around the world who I get info from..'.. Trix heard more footsteps and looked behind her, seeing both Barton and Barnes walking out towards them, their voices low, but she could hear every word.

'Guessing they're off limits?..'.. Mercy followed her gaze to the two of them.

'The whole team is..'.. Not a minute later, a few more came outside, and then the last few including Rogers and Stark trailed out last.

'Turn around..'.. Barton holds up cuffs, making her grin at him... 'Don't even go there Trix..'.. He swirled his finger in a circular motion, indicating for her to do as she was told.

Trix turned and put her hands behind her back, chuckling to herself... 'Anyone else having dirty thoughts about me in cuffs, or is it just me?..'

'You definitely need to be neutered..'.. Tony shook his head, seeing her wink at him.

'I won't be opposed to that, I mean being ridden without the condoms..'.. She moaned, and licked her lips... 'If you want to ride me bare Stark, just say the word and I'll be a good girl for you..'

Tony didn't get a chance to say anything, as Nat stepped forward and punched Trix in the face as hard as she could, but what shocked him was Nat hissing in pain, cradling her wrist, and Trix head didn't even move.

'Fuck! What the hell are you made out of?!..'... Nat growled and stomped back inside, gripping Bruce on the way with her.

'Yeah, piece of advice, don't ever hit a wolf..'.. Trix laughed, looking over her shoulder at Nats retreating back... 'If you're into a three way Romanoff, I'll call you mommy and Banner daddy!..'

'Fuck sake Trix..'.. Everyone watched as Clint pulled out a device and slapped it to her mouth, shutting her up... 'We get it, but try to tone it down for everyone's benefit, you're making them uncomfortable..'

'You really think gagging her will make her stop?..'.. Mercy smirked at him... 'She is enjoying this more than you know..'

'Then how do we make her stop this behaviour?..'.. Steve asked, avoiding looking at Trix.

'Sex, Captain Rogers, lots of sex until she's sated. Trust me, I've been there with her..'.. Mercy nodded at Trix... 'And she has an insatiable appetite. Such a shame that no one has claimed her, at least then she could be commanded to stop..'

'Seriously? That's all it takes to stop her?..'.. Sam threw his hands up, and looks to Tony... 'Why didn't you?..'

'Why me?..'.. Tony scoffed... 'No thanks. She's screwed Mario and Luigi, they can have her..'

Trix was thoroughly amused by the situation, watching them all argue. She glanced between them all, until her eyes found one, and she gave a slight nod of her head, he was playing this oh so well.

The sound of a jet interrupted them all, and they instantly tensed, on high alert, but she didn't, she relaxed her body, and watched Mercy disappear where she stood... 'What the hell do we do now?..'.. Pietro asked, moving to stand in front of Wanda.

'Leave it to me..'.. Clint gripped Trix by the arm, and shoved her forward as the jet landed.

Tony watched as the jet engines shut off, and seconds later the ramp came down, four people striding off, one he noticed was Agent Ross... 'We'll take her from here..'.. Ross gestured for two of the men with him to grab Trix, and Tony stayed on the defense, this was too easy and she wasn't fighting.

'Yeah, about that..'.. Tony heard Bucky say, and he quickly pulled a gun, shooting Trix in the back of the head. Her body dropped from Clints grip, shocking everyone... 'Terrorist, right? Problem solved..'.. Bucky slipped his gun back on his thigh.

'Sergent Barnes! You just killed a prisoner of the state, without authorisation..'.. Ross marched forward, stopping in front of the team, the other three with him, drawing their own weapons, aiming for Bucky... 'All that talk that you're no longer the soldier, that's all it was, talk. You'll be brought in for questioning and evaluation..'.. Ross moved to the side, signaling for his men to take Bucky.

Before the men got close, they all hissed dropping their guns and holding their hands up, seeing the back of their hands had been cut. Ross did the same, frowning at his hands and whipping around to the twins... 'Assaulting a government official, that's at least 10 years..'

Everything that happened next, went too quickly. Tony blinked a few times, before realising the three guards were now dead on the ground, but were in fact, three skrulls, and that's when Tony noticed the large wolf, standing over one of the bodies, blood dripping from its mouth.

'Wh-what, what just happened?..'.. Ross looked around at the team, seeing that no one moved.

'What just happened..'.. Ross turned back, shock in his face as a naked Trix stood there with her hands on her hips, spitting blood from her mouth... 'Is we just faked my death, and killed three skrulls, your welcome..'.. She bowed dramatically, before walking past them all... 'Got to wash my mouth out, they're disgusting..'

Clint chuckled, and grabbed one body, dragging it onto the jet. Bucky stepped forward and grabbed the arms of the other two, pulling them up the ramp... 'We got ten minutes at most, fill him in..'.. Bucky jerked his head to Ross, who was still trying to process what had happened.

Tony shook his head, having no idea where to start, but the others rushed through what they knew, and he wondered what he should do. Shaking his head, he went back inside to track her down, and find out what the fuck is going on...


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