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She pulled on the shorts and tshirt she had left at the base of the tree, sighing to herself. She needed a run after spending the last few hours pulling together a plan with Daisy and her team, Sommer and hers, Wade and the others. She had many who were willing to fight for her, but she didn't want them anywhere near Drake and his army, so instead she had everyone else hunt down skrulls, leaving the fangs to her.

She dropped to the ground, rolling onto her back as she stared up at the night sky. She went for a run, to meet up with Blade who was extremely pissed off with everything. He wanted her to hide, and stay safe, but she wasn't one to run from a fight, not now not ever. She told him what she knew, and needed him to track down her maker, she needed his blood to cure herself, if it was possible, and she asked a favour, one he really wasn't happy with, but he still did as she asked.

'You know, I would ask if you're cold, but you'd probably grow your own fur coat, right?..'..

Trix couldn't help but chuckle at the ridiculousness of his question. She could hear him walking down the back steps, and coming to lay on the grass next to her... 'I take it you couldn't sleep?..'

'Never in my long ass life have I ever heard someone snore like that..'.. He turned his head to grin at her... 'Can't you hear him?..'

Trix focused and sure enough, she could hear Banner all the way from outside, and shook her head... 'Now I know why Stark has the soundproofing. Thats not Banner snoring, that's Hulk..'.. He laughed along with her.

'This is a nice place. Quiet, away from everyone. Feels like I could, I don't know..'.. He jerked his shoulders... 'Be free..'

'Its one of the reasons I picked this place. Its quiet for miles, so I can run without crossing paths with anyone, plus the basement. It's huge and holds well when I wolf out..'.. She linked her fingers across her stomach.

'Can I ask you something?..'.. She glanced to him, seeing him was watching the sky.

'Sure, but doesn't mean I'll answer..'.. She rolled her head side to side.

'Why did you pick him, to be alpha? I just..'.. He sighed... 'A part of me doesn't trust him, to not use you for personal gain..'

She chuckled, and shifted to lie on her side, facing him, her arm under her head... 'You think I don't know that? I know he will, but that's the thing, to really have control of me, he needs to have complete control, and he doesn't..'

He moved to sit up and face her, frowning... 'What do you mean?..'

'First, he's marked, so he can turn too, but he's got all my extra shots to keep that under control and hidden. Secondly, I gave him control, but I don't love him, which means he has my loyalty, but not full control..'... She held up her fingers and then a third... 'Lastly, if the asgardian duo even get their asses back here, and have a cure, he'll be back to human in no time. No one really wants him to be a werewolf, not really..'.. She pulled a face.

Bucky smirked and shook his head... 'Yeah, don't know how we'd all cope with him being one, you're enough to handle as it is..'

'Why thank you..'.. She shook her head, watching him... 'You're wondering why I didn't choose you..'

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