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Bucky kept his face neutral as he stood, waiting for his turn. Him and Loki stayed at the back, watching the fights, and seeing this Max, he couldn't believe how well she fought. Every man against her had at least 100lbs on her, but she took them down. Each man was knocked out, bloody and bruised while the small crowd around the ring cheered her on.

He couldn't see her face, only her mouth, seeing her grin as she stood waiting for the next one. This was the last fighter, before he went against her. Bucky watched as a large man, pushed his way through the crowd, and stepped inside. Thy guy was over 6ft, twice as wide as him and had to be about 260lbs.

'You tired sweetheart?..'.. The man laughed loudly, cracking his knuckles. Bucky couldn't see the man's face, but he was sure she was going to slam it to the floor... 'I'm gonna enjoy making you scream for me..'

She didn't say anything, just stood there with her hands on her hips, waiting. Bucky watched as the guy stepped forward, swinging his right arm, but in the blink of an eye, the guy was out cold on the floor, and she was shaking her head, as though she was disappointed.

Franks barked out a laugh next to them, and clapped Loki on the back... 'Hope your solider lasts longer or we'll all be just as disappointed..'

Loki glanced to Bucky, giving him an order in Russian, just like Bucky told him to. He stalked to the ring, getting in and staring her down, and that's when he realised who Max really was. He felt his body hum, being this close.

All he could think was fuck, how was he meant to fight her, when he couldn't stop thinking about her.... 'Bring it Barnes..'... He heard her speak quietly, through her smile as the crowd cheered, and he went for her. He had seen how she moved, memorised it, to use to his advantage. He didn't want to hurt her, but he had to sell this.

Trix chuckled as he came at her and she dropped to the floor, hooking her left legs through his and twisted, taking him down to his knees. She flipped to the side, and came up behind him, putting her arm around his neck, and locking her hand around her other arm, holding tight.

'Police are coming. Give me a good fight, I can take it. When I whistle, throw me as far as you can out of the ring..'.. She hissed out quietly as he struggled in her hold... 'Be ready to run when I give the signal, just trust me..'

Bucky heard her, and he gripped the back of her head and launched his body forward, throwing her over him and to the floor, hard. He went to kick her in the side, but she had rolled away, flipping to her feet and swinging for him. He blocked her fist, but her other caught his jaw. He almost buckled from the sheer strength, trying to keep his emotions in check. No one but him and Steve had that kind of strength, so who the fuck was she?

Steve watched nervously, seeing Bucky give it his all in the ring, but seeing his friend get clocked in the face, he knew Bucky wasn't acting, that fighter, who was clearly a woman, had a lot of strength. He couldn't see her face, her large hood kept her face hidden, but the fact that she took down the four guys previously, and now going against a super soldier, she had to be enhanced somehow.

The roar of the crowd around the ring was almost deafening, but the two kept fighting, neither one holding back. For the next few minutes, Steve had to watch Bucky hurt this woman, and see him get hurt in return. Then he saw it, Bucky faltered slightly, as though he was tired, and the woman whistled out at him, rocking her head side to side. That was when Bucky went for her, and she ducked, but he managed to lock his metal hand around her throat, and grab her hoodie with his other hand. Steves eyes widened as he saw Bucky lift her quickly, throwing her hard, and far out of the ring, over the top of him.

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