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The following evening, most of the team had joined Bucky in going to Bennys, thry wanted to see this woman, especially Tony. Bucky didn't know why the guy was so adamant as to not let Bucky go on his own, the whole 'press would have a field day' bullshit didn't really make for a good excuse. Everyone had a past, so what did it matter.

He pushed the door to the bar open, seeing that it wasn't busy, just the old guys sat at the bar, with Benny on the other side, all laughing.

'Ha, told you all, they'd be back. Pay up..'.. Benny chuckled, holding his hand out while the older men groaned, pulling out their wallets... 'Drinks for you all are on the house..'... He nodded to Bucky and the others... 'Take a seat, and I'll bring them over..'

Bucky nodded his thanks, and moved to the booth him and the other two sat in the night before. He couldn't see Trix there, but hoped she'd turn up soon.

'She's not in yet..'.. Benny called as he began to pour drinks.

'Why do you think we're here?..'.. One of the older men chuckled... 'She's the only reason I leave my apartment, that girl is the highlight of my days..'

Steve, Sam and Nat slid into the booth with Bucky, while Tony, the twins in another, Thor and Loki at the table in front of the booths.

'You tell her that, and she'll find you a woman your own age Carl. She'd hate to see you lonely..'.. Benny put the drinks on a tray and started a second one.

'If I was 30 years younger, I'd sweep her off her feet..'... Carl sighed... 'Women like her are a rare find..'

'That she is..'.. Benny nodded in agreement with the others. He took the first tray around to the team, handing out drinks.

'How did you know what we wanted?..'.. Tony frowned down at his glass, and gave it a sniff. He already knew what it was by that smell alone.

Benny chuckled, a mischievous gleam in his eyes... 'Trix knows everything. She gave me a list of your favourite drinks earlier, told me you'd be in..'.. He moved to the bar to get the second tray, handing them out... 'She said Hill played you all well. That agent of yours has been pestering Trix for a while, along with the gentleman with the eye patch, to join you lot..'.. He tucked the tray under his arm... 'Even if you're here, minus the few missing..'.. He gestured around... 'You won't change her mind..'.. He headed back to the bar.

'What the fuck?..'.. Nat turned to look over to Tony... 'Hill never said anything..'

'Guess we know why she suggested this place yesterday..'.. Steve shook his head, picking up his bottle... 'And why she didn't come tonight..'

'Fury wants this woman on the team? Why? I thought he wanted us to find Reaper and bring them in..'.. Sam looked around at everyone.

'We don't mention that name here..'.. Benny called over... 'Its bad luck. Like summoning beetlejuice..'

The team stayed there a while, and an hour passed before the door swung open, two men walking in, the one in front looking irritated... 'Where is she?..'

'Evening detectives. What can I get for you?..'.. The team went silent, watching as Benny smiled at the two men.

'Trix. Where is she?..'.. The first man stopped by the bar, his back to the team.

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