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Tony listened, but stayed away from her. Since the cure was shoved down his throat, it was as if he didn't feel anything for her, just didn't like that she was still keeping shit from them all. Hell, she was a vicious killer, put his team at risk, his compound destroyed and pretty much kidnapped Banner and Barton. Not to mention the whole wolf thing. It was as if he was more clear headed and logical about it all.

'Why the change anyway?..'.. He looked to Steve as he spoke.

'Doesn't matter to you, so you don't need to know. As I said, Banner can get in there first, you will all need to keep back at least five miles from the base before he shuts it down..'.. Trix tells them all as she sat on the dining table, swinging her legs.

'No offence to Bruce..'.. Sam nodded to him... 'But uh, Hulk isn't always a team player. And how are we supposed to know when he's done it, or that he won't get over run?..'

'If I had any gold stars Wilson, I'd give you one for asking good questions, but you boys and girls need to learn to trust, without knowing everything..'.. She grinned at him.

'I trust you..'.. Nat cleared her throat, shifting on her feet at the look Trix gave her... 'Sorry about th-..'

'I'll stab anyone who dares apologise to me for anything..'.. Trix rolled her eyes... 'Another difference between you and me Romanoff, I'm not a typical emotional female. You feel, I don't..'

Bruce kept quiet. He had heard her calls in the car, on the way over to the city. From what he gathered, she had many friends, a lot who were all willing to fight for her, but one thing that did stick out even though he knew she would never admit it, Trix cared. After their talk, he had begun to understand her. She held people at a distance, ensuring she didn't have any weaknesses. The fact that she locked Clint up, showed she cared about him, everyone else, she didn't seem fazed if they'd die, but not him.

'Is Clint safe?..'... Nat asked, and he saw Trix pull a knife free off her hip, and he gripped her wrist.

'I'd rather you didn't hurt her..'.. Trix just stared at him with a blank face... 'Ok, you hurt her and Hulk won't be happy, which will compromise the mission..'

'You're learning doc..'.. Trix smirked and slipped the knife back in place... 'For the last time, Barton is fine. Now I suggest you all get some rest, cause as of tonight, it begins..'

'Wait, hold up..'.. Ross stepped forward... 'You're saying a war is going to happen tonight, then we need to inform-..'

'No. You don't know who's human, skrull or vamp. You don't know how far they're buried into the government. You go talking, and I can assure you, I'll eat you for a midnight snack..'.. Trix glared at him and he backed up... 'You think I've been on vacation the last few days? Twiddling my thumbs? No, I have planned, called in favours, paid out a lot of money, and made some deals to make sure that this war, doesn't become one the cilvillians pay. I won't have you, or anyone else, fuck this up. Do as your told, and this will be over by tomorrow evening..'

'What are you going to do?..'.. Bucky asked, trying to diffuse the situation, but only made it worse when she turned and punched him hard in his metal arm.

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