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Bucky cleared his throat, looking around at everyone and got up, heading to the kitchen to get a drink while he came up with something... 'I got sent back. We went to see Trix. She was at the bar all night that we know, but she said she'd drop the power dampening in her bar, for Loki to read her, but only him. He'll find out the truth..'

He kept his back to them, thankful that Wanda wasn't there right now. He grabbed his coffee, turning to them and shrugged... 'Guess she doesn't trust easily. Don't blame her, we did kind of ambush her though..'

'Let's hope Loki finds something then..'.. Nat went back though the papers she had, shaking her head... 'From what we know, she would be a great addition, kinda need some more women on this team..'

'Where are the others?..'.. Bucky asked, keeping it casual as he drank.

'Tony is sleeping, Bruce back in his lab, I swear he lives in there..'.. Nat chuckled... 'Pietro went looking for some agent, poor girl. Wanda and Vis wanted some time together, so it's just us..'... She gestured to herself, Sam Steve and Thor who were sat around going through files.

'My brother will find out who she really is, though I do not believe her to be a harpie, or a siren. I have had the misfortune of meeting them, more than once..'.. Thor chuckled.

'Sounds like insults to me..'.. Sam frowned, going through the papers... 'I can't seem to find much information on her parents, aside from names, where they worked, and that they went down on a plane..'

Steve tossed his sketch pad on the table as Bucky walked back over, and noticed it was a picture of Trix... 'You drew her?..'.. Bucky sat down opposite.

'Trying to find a picture of her has been tough. Maybe with this we can run through facial recognition..'.. Steve pointed with his pencil.

'Thata not a bad idea..'.. Bucky sat back, mentally cursing it all. If he didn't get them off Trix back, he completely believed her threat.

'I'm going to train. Anyone joining? Not like we got anything else to do..'... He set his cup down, looking at the four of them.

'Sure, why not..'.. Steve got up as did Bucky... 'Did she say anything else?..'

'Not much. We saw the footage, showing she was in the bar. Said she'd try to track down that Max, but doesn't want to end up on Repaers radar..'.. Bucky sighed. Loki needed to hurry up back, so Bucky could fill him in on what was said.


Loki dropped his back to her pull out bed, catching his breath. He watched as she stood, and walked to the door behind her desk, naked. More of her tattoos decorated her skin, but his eyes were drawn to her right thigh. There was a tattoo that wrapped it, but even he could see the four long scars in her skin.

He watched her disappear through the door, sitting up, he began to grab his clothes... 'For once, I question my stamina..'.. His eyes found the clock on the wall above the door she went through. They had spent the last hour having sex, but her appetite was insatiable, making him think back as to when he had great sex like that, it had been a while.

'Nothing wrong with your stamina your highness..'.. He heard her voice... 'You lasted longer than my other lovers, except one..'.. Two minutes later, she reappeared, this time dressed.

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