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In all the years that he had existed, and there were many, in fact there were 1,523 years that he had been alive, but not once had he ever felt this exhausted and tired. Not even when he fought battles across the nine realms. Propping an arm behind his head, as he laid in bed, watching her move about her room, naked, Thors eyes trailed over the ink she wore.

'Do they have any meaning, your tattoos?..'.. He asked as she placed a small case on her dresser, opening it.

'A few, the others are just a means to help cover the scars..'.. She prepped the shot, and tilted her neck to the right, and injected herself. Turning to him, she hissed at the slight burn that now ran through her veins, and looked at her hands.

She knew her eyes, teeth and nails would alter back once the shot had really kicked it... 'I got shit to do, so you can go when you're dressed..'.. She moved to her closet, and pulled out some fresh clothes.

Thors lips quirked up into a smile seeing her eyes glow slightly, her teeth peeking out through her lips, and the slightly husk as she spoke... 'What was that, that you did?..'.. He tapped his neck with his free hand.

'Nothing that concerns you, your highness. Get dressed..'.. She tossed her underwear at him, and pulled on her jeans.

Thor sighed, and got up. Stranding straight, he felt aches in places he didn't know existed. They had gone round for round, all evening, through the night and now it was morning. He had breaks in between, but her appetite for sex, was insatiable. He was a God, and he couldn't keep up with her... 'Were you like this with Loki?..'... He slipped his underwear on, amd began looking for any more of his clothing.

'We only had an hour, but I'm sure I would've broken him too..'.. He heard the smirk in her voice as shw pulled a tshirt over her head.

'Is it always like this, for you?..'.. He asked, finding his pants and socks.

'Yep..'.. She popped the 'p' as she brushed out her hair, and tied it up... 'Only one has ever come close to keeping up with me. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure between you and your brother, you could tag team me, but that's weird. Two brothers having sex at the same time, with the same girl..'.. She scrunched her face up... 'Now, two guys who are friends, that's different, and not weird..'.. She shrugged... 'Or three guys..'... She sighed wistfully... 'I got three holes for a reason, and that would be amazing..'

Thor just watched her as she spoke, and flashes of how that would look, danced through his mind. Would anyone do that? Share a woman with others? Wouldn't their dicks touch at some point? And would the other guys expect the other men to touch each other? Too many questions, to fall down that hole.

Shaking his head, Thor scoured the trail of clothes back to the kitchen, and finished getting dressed. She followed after him, and opened the freezer, pulling out containers, and began to heat up food... 'Don't take this..'.. She waved a finger between them... 'As anything more than sex. I don't do feelings, I don't do relationships..'

Thor chuckled, as he finished putting his armour on... 'I understand. Though may I ask, have you had sex with anyone else of the Avengers?..'

Trix smirked, and checked the food on the hob... 'Well, there is someone else, but before they became an avenger..'.. She looked over to Thor as he sat on the stool... 'Stark. It was six years ago, shortly before he was kidnapped. I had turned 21, and we bumped into each other. I was..'.. She waved her hand... 'On a mission to take some files from him. We flirted, and had sex. While he was asleep, I took what I wanted and left..'

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