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Trix didn't stop pounding her fist into the wall, until she saw the blood, dripping in the crevice she made. It was too late to try and stop everyone from finding out what she was. With the news from Daisy coming through, that her and her team were now tracking down Fury, and sending out a bi wave frequency, that would activate at noon the next day, through cellphones, helping to uncover skrulls.

Whistler and her news, two of their own had been replaced, and also Drake, AKA dracula was coming for her, it was just a whole tornado shit storm. Skrull Fury wants her, for what she didn't know, Drake wants her cause he's intrigued, no idea as to why, and the fucking heroes are on the verge of being taken, one by one and controlled by God knows who.

It was spiralling, and Trix was struggling for control, and not tear people apart. Taking deep breaths as she paced about her office, Jess cleared her throat as she sat at the desk... 'Ok then. Think it's about time you tell us the truth Trix, cause we can't help you if we don't know what's going on..'.. Jess gestured around at those gathered. Rand, Cage, Castle and Murdock were all leaning against the wall, that over looked the bar. Raven, Hardy, Logan were on the couch, Wade stood with his back to the door, watching her, while Brock was perched on the edge of her desk.

'Trix, we've all followed you, even when blind, but whatever this is, seems to be bigger than anything else we've dealt with..'.. Rand gives her a small smile... 'We're with you, no matter what but we're gonna need to know..'

She took a deep breath and shook her head as she glanced to Wade... 'You know me better than anyone else, what do you think?..'

'Tell them, and I'll scratch your belly later..'.. He smirked at her, making her laugh. Trust him to come out with a dog joke.

'Ok, this is going to be hard to believe, but some already know the truth..'.. She blew out a breath, circling around in the middle of the room. She told them everything, right to the beginning. About who and what she was, her past, the attack, and that she wasn't really human anymore. She didn't see hate, disgust or judgement about her exactly, just about what life had thrown at her.

'Uh, wow, ok. That is a lot to take in..'.. Murdock took a deep breath... 'Does explain the wet dog smell, sometimes..'.. He quirked a smile, as others chuckled.

'We live in a world where God's of legends exist, superheroes, aliens. Not that far of a reach that vamps and werewolves do too, and whatever Venom is..'.. Fliss gestured to Brock who rolled his eyes.

'Sure, you're werewolf..'... Jess nodded... 'Do vampires really sparkle in sunlight? Cause that's been bothering me for years..'.. She scrunched her face up in thought, making Trix snigger.

'No, they don't. Look, this one hell of a mess, and I understand if you guys want to walk away, I won't blame you or hate you, I get it..'.. Trix looked around at them all.

'I fought a few wars, what's a few more..'.. Logan nodded to her.

'I'm in..'.. Raven stood up, folding her arms... 'You're family Trix, doesn't matter what you are, human or not, you've spent years fighting for everyone else, it's our turn, to fight for you..'

'You've ruined sex with anyone else for me..'.. Wade shrugged... 'No one can do what you do..'.. He winked at her, and she shook her head with a smile. One by one, they all agreed to stand with her.

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