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Just as they got 15 minutes away, Tony heard the explosion, and he glanced in the rear view mirror, knowing it was the compound. They managed to give themselves a head start before the jet took off, and seconds later the compound was gone. It stung to know that their home, their safe place was gone, but everyone was out and no casualties.

What hurt more, was that three of their own had left with Trix. Tony didn't know what she had done, to get them on her side, and he was angry that Bruce of all people, walked away.

'Whats the plan now?..'.. Ross asked from the seat next to him.

'Everyone head to the tower, and we'll go from there..'.. Tony tells him, just as his phone rang and he answered, putting it on speaker... 'Rogers..'

'Tony, is there any chance of Friday tracing Buck, Barton or Banner? We need to know where they went..'... Steves voice echoed in the car.

'She's already on it Rogers..'.. Tony sighed... 'We need the space brothers back right now, their watcher guy might know where she's going with them..'

'If you know how to get in touch with them, great..'..

'Yeah, currently holding shit together here Rogers, you know, since our home just got destroyed and our team is scattered..'.. Tony snapped at him.

'I know Tony, we all do. We're all still processing the last 48 hours, and it's been a lot..'..

'How's the rest doing?..'.. Tony asked, glancing to the car behind where Steve was driving with Pietro, and Sam. Nat was in the car behind them, with Wanda and Vision.

'Nat is quiet, and angry, not that I blame her..'.. Sam's voice came through... 'Her best friend and boyfriend just walked away with another woman, so what do you think?..'

'I think we only got half the story with Trix. She said Daisy would be in touch, but haven't heard anything yet, Friday is working overtime tracking signals, and anything related to Hydra, Skrulls..'.. Tony scoffed... 'Vampires and Werewolves, while also running facial on our dropouts..'

'Maybe there's a reason those three went with her..'.. Pietro said, and Tony glared at his phone as he drove.

'Please enlighten us..'.. He snarked, shaking his head.

'Well, Cap here went to see her last night, right?..'.. Tony heard Steve mumble at Pietros question... 'But what if maybe he was too late?..'

That made Tony pause in his mental ranting about the whole situation... 'You think she screwed one of the three? Barton wouldn't..'.. Well, he hoped Barton wouldn't do that, he was married with a family after all... 'And Bruce, didn't she think that he was her dad all this time? I mean, he is with Romanoff as well..'

'So you think Buck?..'.. Steve asked, and Tony thought it over.

'You think he would?..'.. Tony glanced to Ross, seeing thean confused about the conversation they were having.

'I mean, he said himself, he understands what she's doing, and he was guarding her..'.. Pietro tells them.

'He shot her in the back of the head..'.. Sam said.

'Maybe she told him to, I mean, him and Barton have been whispering this morning and stuck close to her. What if he's got control over her now?..'.. Pietro had a point.

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