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Trix finished making grilled cheese for them all, and tossed each one a bottle of water, and gestured for them to sit at the table... 'You can come out with all the bullshit you want Strange, but you've been practicing magic..'.. She sat down, with Barton to her left, Barnes to her right, while the other three sat opposite... 'Last time I saw you, I left your ass outside your apartment months ago. Heard about your accident, and then you disappeared..'

'I uh..'.. He cleared his throat, glancing around that the others.

'Spill it, they can be trusted, except maybe her..'.. Trix jerked her chin to Mercy, who just rolled her eyes.

'I found a way to heal myself, well sort of..'.. He frowned at her... 'What do you mean I smell like magic? How do you-..'

'You smell like the ancient one did..'.. She paused with her water bottle to her mouth, and set it back down... 'That's where you went..'

'How do you know about that?..'.. He leaned in, his food forgotten.

'I was looking for a cure..'.. Trix shrugged and picked up her water again, drinking it, seeing the confusion in his eyes... 'I'm a werewolf..'

He sat back, his eyebrows hitting his hairline as he looked her over... 'They're real?..'

'Asks the sorcerer..'.. She chuckled... '98 year old super solder..'... She tilted her head to Barnes... 'Expert marksman, who never misses, not even blindfolded..'.. Shw tilted the other side to Barton who just chuckled... 'She can turn invisible and has multiple powers..'.. Nodded to Mercy... 'And one accident gives him a near immortal alter ego. And you..'.. She gestured to Strange... 'The best neurosurgeon in the world, now plays magic tricks. Tell me Strange, did the battle of New York not give it away that the impossible exists?..'

She watched as he took a deep breath... 'A werewolf? Ok..'.. He picked up his food and took a bite.

'Ok?..'.. Banner glanced between them... 'You don't have questions or?..'.

'I've know Trix for a while, she's never lied, not once. Sure she may have not told me things, but never a lie. She says she's one, then I believe her. And what questions should I be asking Dr Banner?..'.. Strange turns to him in his seat... 'Has she killed anyone? Did she enjoy it? Has she turned anyone else in to what she is? Should we be afraid? I don't need to know the answer, I know her. If she has killed, it was for good reason. If she enjoyed it, they probably deserved it. Turning others into Werewolves, unless it was necessary. I'm not afraid of Trix, but I'm a little concerned for anyone who would dare harm her. That battle in the city..'.. Strange nodded to the window... 'Would look like child's play..'

Clint chuckled again, a little louder... 'I like you Doc, you're funny..'.. He pushed his empty plate away... 'Whats the plan T?..'.. Clint sat back, turning to look at her.

'Banner, Barnes you two can share a room. Barton you take the third room.'.. She picked up the empty plates, taking them to the sink... 'Strange, drop Mercy off at my old apartment if you can..'.. She placed them in the sink and turned to lean against it... 'I'll call you later, and fill you in..'

'I know better than to ask..'.. Strange stood, and smiled over at her... 'You look good..'

Trix smirked back and shook her head... 'Taken now, so you're shit outta luck..'.. He laughed, and nodded to her.

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