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Trix filled the two of them in on what she knew, and needed an answer to her question, hoping it was a yes, cause this plan of hers, was so fucking stupid. Looking between the two of them, in what she could only assume was Lokis room, she folded her arms... 'Is there any chance of a cure for werewolves?..'

Loki frowned... 'A possibility, for those who have been marked, not born, but we would need to consult with our mother, she would know better than us. I am sure I read that there is one, but as to how to brew a concoction, I do not know the ingredients needed..'

'How soon can you get back to Asgard and find out?..'.. She asked him.

'I could leave today, but time moves differently there, for what would only be a few hours for me, would be days for you..'.. He tells her.

Trix blew out a breath... 'If there is a cure that can be made, how would it work?..'

'From what I know, one of the ingredients would be, blood from the one who marked you..'.. Loki watched her face drop at his words... 'Would you know where they are?..'

'Nope, but I can track him down..'.. She sighed, rubbing her forehead.

'What is this plan of yours?..'.. Thor could see the strain of it all on her shoulders.

'Well, Drake is coming for me, and from what you two have warned me about, getting bit by a vamp, I'm gonna take a guess it's him. Have either of you ever heard of an unclaimed alpha female, ever winning a fight?..'... Both shook their heads.

'You are the first we have ever heard of or encountered..'.. Thor gestured to her.

'Well, that's one part of my plan that's safe then..'.. She saw the questioning looks in their eyes... 'Someone claims me as a mate..'

'Ah, and who is the fortunate one you have chosen?..'.. Loki chuckled.

'Neither of you..'.. She looked between them, seeing the disappointment in them and she laughed... 'Its gonna need to be someone who's morally grey, who can do what needs to be done, and use me when needed..'

'That would be me darling..'.. Loki smirked at her.

'No offence your highness, but I wouldn't trust you with controlling me, even if you were the last man in the universe..'.. Trix rolled her eyes... 'Someone human. That gut instinct, to do what's right, no matter the cost..'

'Who do you have in mind?..'.. Thor cleared his throat.

'Barton? The moody soldier?..'.. Loki snarked.

'Nope and nope. Not the captain either, his moral compass wouldn't waiver..'.. She shook her head.

'No, absolutely not..'.. Loki caught on... 'He is taken..'

'No, he's not. She broke up with him, and you think I'd want to be controlled by him? No, but right now, out of everyone I know, he's the only one I can trust..'.. She scowled at Loki.

'Do you think they will take it well, as to what you are? Barton does not know and yet you are supposedly friends..'.. Loki gestured to the door.

'I've warned you already your highness, feelings mean shit to me, and you have caught them. Get over it, I am not yours, nor will I ever be. We need that cure, and fast, otherwise there's going to be a whole new war to fight..'.. She jabbed him in the chest with her finger... 'I never wanted anyone to know about me, but my friends now know. Between the skrulls, and Drake, I don't know what's worse. Get back to Asgard and get to work, create as many vials of the cure as you can, and bring it down here..'

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