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Trix was seriously fucked off, as she shut off the bike, getting off and storming into the building. She had to rein in her strength and not rip doors of hinges as she walked fast through the halls, and straight up to Jones office. She didn't care if the woman had a client, she opened the door, seeing it was only her and slammed it behind her, dropping to sit in front if the desk.

'You look like someone just told you to abstaine from sex..'.. Jess didn't even bother looking up from the file she had.

'Fucking Avengers getting to close. I'm going to kill Fury for this shit..'.. Trix stretched her legs out, dropping her head back.

'I'm sure one of us can do it. You've kept him and SHIELD off our backs for years, we do owe you..'.. Jess says and Trix sat back up, her eyes narrowing at the woman.

'No. I haven't spent all this time, keeping you all safe, just for one of you to kill the director, not a chance..'.. She huffed, tossing her keys on the desk.

'Tell me everything..'.. Jess closed the file, and sat back as Trix started from the beginning. It was an hour later that she finished, and Jess just smirked at her.

Trix had left out the whole wolf and Reaper thing, but did tell her that she fought as 'Max'... 'I was wondering why you seemed a lot nicer the other night, that was Raven?..'.. Jess asked, and Trix rolled her eyes.

'Yeah. I'm pulling a meeting tomorrow night, I'm going to need all hands for this, you in?..'.. Trix asked her, picking her keys up and jiggling them.

'Always. I'll get my lot on, you pull the rest. Here's an idea though..'.. Jess pulled her phone out, giving Trix a look... 'Try not to fuck any more Avengers..'

'I don't plan to, but my vagina has the last say on it..'.. She huffed, making Jess smirk... 'I got to go check in with others. Benny and Crick are at the bar, I'll have them close up for tomorrow. That bunch of assholes are pushing too close. If they find out anything, they'll screw this up for me..'

'Have you thought about working WITH them?..'.. Jess laughed at the look of pure rage on Trix face... 'Maybe not. I don't get why you hate them so much. What exactly did they do to you?..'

Trix didn't answer but got up and walked out. It wasn't so much as all of them, just one, the one who ruined her life. She didn't want to be anywhere near them, and if they got in her way, she'd show them, exactly what she was capable of.

Being what she was, if she didn't control her anger, she would shift and it would consume her until the one that made her angry, was dead. She didn't want to kill just anyone, only those that deserved it.

Heading back out to her bike, she got back on, and pulled out her phone, messaging Wade. She needed to let loose again, granted Loki was good, but Wade was definitely better.


Thor cleared his throat, glancing back at the building. They were far enough away, but he didn't know what to believe... 'Are you sure?..'

'Not completely, but it explains her. She is a lycan, and if what I think is true, she is an alpha without a mate. It would explain why we are all drawn to her, she is yet to be claimed. I need you to return to Asgard, and check the books..'... Loki tells him.

'How do you propose I return without questions?..'.. Thor folded his arms.

Loki thought it over for a moment... 'We tell them you are retuning for a few days, to have Heimdall watch Trix, where she goes and who she is with, just to be sure of what I said..'

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