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Trix whistled to herself as she sat at the breakfast bar, waiting for them. She could tell that a few were awake and heading that way, she grinned to herself, imagining their faces when they saw she was out of the cell. She put her coffee down and picked up the sandwich she made, taking a bite. She was hungry but not for food, trying to replace sex with everything else, wasn't really working, but she would make do. Thor and Loki, when they finally came back, she'd drag them off for another round or ten.

'What the hell?..'.. She looked over, seeing Barnes stop in the doorway with Wilson, Rogers, Romanoff and Barton behind them.

'Morning. Sleep well?..'.. She picked up her coffee, taking a gulp.

'H-how did you get out?..'.. Wilson asked, as they stepped further into the room. Barton just clapped him on the back, chuckling as he headed to the kitchen where she was.

'They still haven't caught on yet, have they?..'.. Barton laughed, as he made coffee, and then sat on a stool next to her.

'Nope. Hey Barton, am I a hero, or a villain?..'.. She put her sandwich and cup down.

'Villian..'.. He nudged his shoulder against hers... 'You kill because you can, you find it fun, and you don't give a shit either. If anyone tried to make you do something you don't want to do, you'd slit their throat before they could finish the sentence..'

'Aw, thanks..'.. She smirked at him with a wink... 'Captain over there seems to think pretty words, and calling me a hero will sway me to be a good girl..'... Barton threw his head back and laughed as the others all gathered around, making breakfast and drinks.

'Damn Cap, you asking to be killed?..'.. Clint shook his head at Steve, and pulled his wallet out, taking a $20 and slapping it into Trix hand... 'Thought it would've been Barnes..'

Trix slipped the money in her bra... 'Barnes has more sense than optimism. He understands me better than Captain does..'

Steve had no idea what they were talking about, looking between the two... 'You two are very familiar with each other..'

'There better not be an accusation in there Rogers..'.. Trix drummed her fingers on the counter top, her nails extending... 'I have no problem dissecting you here and now..'

The glare from her and Clint shaking his head slightly at him told Steve he better watch his words... 'N-no. No, it's just you seem really close, and Barton never gave any indication that he knew you at all, not even after Sokovia..'

'That's cause he knows how to keep a secret, he's one of the few I'd give my life for..'.. Her nails retreated and she patted Clint on the shoulder... 'He saved my ass, and I owe him..'

'How the fuck are you out? Who let her out?..'... Everyone whips around, seeing Tony glaring over at Trix.

'Uh first, you clearly don't listen..'.. Trix raised a finger... 'Been in your system for years, remember? And secondly, don't raise your voice to your team, they haven't done anything wrong..'

Tony muttered under his breath, moving to make coffee, but avoiding her... 'Got a call 15 minutes ago, the DOD have put out a warrant, we have to hand you over to the CIA, there's a jet on its way to pick you up..'

'Oh, it won't even get the chance to land..'.. Trix slid off the stool and stood, stretching out... 'I'll be outside, waiting..'.. They watched as she practically skipped out of the room.

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