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Raven struggled to breathe from the tight grip around her throat. Her feet dangling in the air as the vamp held her up, snarling at her. Murdock and Reyes were still fighting, and couldn't help. Her vision starting to cloud from the lack of oxygen. She needed to remain calm, just like Trix taught her, focus not on the breath, but on the next move.

She gripped hold of the arm, and used her weight to pull down, as she swung her legs up, to wrap around the arm, and then threw her body to the right, twisting as she did. The grip loosened as they hit the floor, and she dragged in a breath, rolling away. She didn't have time to hesitate, but pulled her knife from her waist, holding it tight as she sprung up to her feet, and drove it into the vamps chest, right in the heart.

He hissed, backhanding her across the face, sending her to the floor again, as she took deep breaths. She flicked her head around, seeing him drop to his knees, then to his face, dead for good this time. All their weapons were coated with a mix dead man's blood, holy water and nightshade. She got to the vamps side, flipping him over and pulling her knife free, ready to go for another one, to assist Murdock. Reyes was capable by himself, especially with the Rider within him.

One of the other vamps, one she guessed was in change of the four that they came across, chuckled, standing back with his arms folded, watching the fighting. Raven clutched her knife tight in her fist, as she went two on one with Murdock... 'This the best she's got? All you gotta do is give her up, and we'll let you live..'.. The vamp called out to them.

Reyes got the upper hand, killing the one he was fighting, before turning his attention to the one who spoke. He could feel Rider burning within him, wanting to be let out. He conceded, and felt the flames lick his skin, as Rider came to the surface.

'Don't kill him straight away, we need answers!..'.. Raven called across to him, just as Murdock got knocked down. Flipping her knife she threw it at the vamp, hitting just below the heart. She ran forward as he got distracted, trying to pull it out, and jumped, wrapping her legs around his neck, sending him to the ground. She landed, one knee above him, gripped his head and snapped his neck. Not that would stop him from regaining conscious, but she pulled her knife and stabbed right in the heart this time.

Matt spat out blood on the floor, wincing as he pushed himself up to stand, panting from the fighting. They were strong, fast and he was sure he would've been killed if Raven hadn't stepped in to help... 'I owe you..'.. He said, turning his head to the sound of Rider and the last vamp. He held his hand out to her which she took, getting to her feet.

'Family don't owe shit..'.. The two walked over, now that Rider had the last one bound in his chains... 'You're going to answer questions..'.. The vamp laughed, until Rider yanked the chain, sending the flames higher and causing the vamp to yell in pain... 'Can leave you here with him, he won't be as lenient as I will. Now..'.. Raven slipped her knife back in her strap at her waist, her hands on her hips... 'Where's Drake? And what does he want with Trix?..'

The vamp chuckled, which only pissed Rider off, and he started screaming in pain again, his flesh burning... 'I don't know! I don't know where he is!..'

'Why does he want her?..'.. Raven asked again.

'I don't know. We don't get told, only to find her and take out anyone who gets in our way!..'.. The vamp screamed again.

'You believe a word he says?..'.. She turned her head to Rider. He didn't respond, but yanked the chain, ripping the vamp in half, blood and sinew scattering all over the place as top and bottom halves, hit the floor... 'I'll take that as a yes..'.. She rubbed her throat and looked around the restaurant they were in. It was trashed from the fighting, but it pinged up on Whistlers radar as a possible nest.

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