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Wade glanced around, hearing the noise of the wolves growling and snarling. The team had managed to take out the vamps, and he couldn't see any more, well, except one. Tightening his hold on his swords, he could see that everyone who had gathered, was forming a circle around the clearing... 'Someone find out if this is it..'.. He panted, trying to spot Strange. He could see five wolves spreading out around Drake, and he could tell which one was Trix... 'Is she gonna die or not?..'

'We can't step in, we have to let this play out, no matter what. If we get involved now, then..'.. There was a sigh as Hannibal spoke... 'Doc said we have to stay here, show her she's not alone..'

'This is hard to watch..'.. Fliss huffed.

'We're all here..'..

'Woah. Woah woah..'.. Wade raised his hand slightly, looking around... 'Mercy Mia, you're here?..'

'I brought a few friends..'..

Wade squinted, noticing more stepping out of the shadows and joining the circle. He could make out Mercy's suit and a few others at her side... 'Well well, fuck me well..'..

'Shut up Wade..'.. He heard a few in his ear at the same time.

He wasn't one to show much emotion, or to care. He had always been focused, do the mission and get out. Sure there had been times when his anger took over or he was out for revenge but standing here now, knowing one of his closest friends was facing off against Dracula of all people, he wanted to protect her. It wasn't that he was in love with her, he just loved her, as a friend. She understood him and he with her, but this, watching and waiting, had him on edge.


Loki stood ready should he step in, his hands tightening on the blades, as the captain and Stark were either side of him. The five wolves had take stance, spread out slightly around the vampire, and he could see the one called Dracula was wary.

'You think there are not more of them?..'.. Loki heard Dracula call out, his head turning to watch the wolves... 'This is only the beginning..'.. Lokis eyes trailed around, looking through the scattered bodies to find Barton, but it was still a little too dark to see much.

One of the wolves howled loudly that Loki flinched, bringing his hands up, using his wrists to cover his ears as did others all around. He watched as one bounded forward, and jump at Dracula. He guessed it was her, as the other four remained where they were. He couldn't stand by and watch this, his eyes trailing the fight between the two, but if there was any chance of them winning, he had to wait until the last moment. He knew she would be bitten, it had to happen. For her to win, she had to become a half breed.


She was so consumed with her rage, she had to kill him, had to destroy him. He had thrown her to the side and she yelped as she landed hard, and rolled, shaking her body out. Her pack were chomping, begging to be let go and kill him for her, but she wanted this for herself. She needed to kill him. Pawing at the ground, she bared her teeth and ran at him again.


Blade stood in the shadows, watching her fight Drake. He had warned her she would not survive this, but she didn't care. She made it clear her life was nothing, no friends, no family, nothing to live for, but she was doing this, to protect the humans. He had heard that the skrulls had dwindled to almost none, there were no other vamps in the area, but that didn't mean there weren't more around the world, their contacts would take care of that. He had tried to keep her safe, just as Russel had asked, but Trix was one of the most stubborn, infuriating people he had ever had to meet.

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