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Tony leaned against his car as the jet landed close by, and he knew almost all of them would be there. He was still unsure of what to say, or do, but he knew, he couldn't trust anyone outside of the team, that included Hill, Pepper and Happy. He watched as the back opened up, Steve striding out in full uniform and Tony couldn't help but scoff. The guy walked as though he was high and fucking mighty.

'Tony? What happened?..'... Steve asked him as he got close, and Tony noticed thw others walk out, taking in the location.

'Looking for new sites for the company, we're going to expand..'.. Tony shrugged... 'Didn't know I needed your permission Rogers..'... Tony saw Loki get closer, his eyes narrowing on him, before turning to glance back at Wanda. Loki looked back at Tony, giving him a small nod. Even without saying a thing, Tony knew what Loki meant, he had read him, and now shielded him from Wanda. Another thing he had to deal with, great.

'You took off Tony. You've been gone hours, and Friday wouldn't tell us what you were doing. Had to track you down..'.. Steve slipped off his helmet.

'How did you find me, anyway?..'.. Tony looked around.

'Hill..'.. Tony stood up straight, and shook his head at Steve.

'Can't trust her Cap, she's not on our side. We need to get back, now..'.. Tony didn't care about the car as he headed to the jet when a thought crossed his mind... 'Whos still at the compound?..'.. He took note, seeing they were all there... 'Tell me she's not been left there, alone?..'

Steve frowned at Tony who huffed and stomped onto the jet... 'Get in, we got to go, now..'


She should have been exhausted from running, but it was faster than her bike, and less chance of getting pulled for speeding, but the moment the jet had taken off, she headed out, to a hidden location and shifted.

She may look like a big black siberiean husky, but she could run so fast that the human eye wouldn't even notice, just a blur in the corner of your eye. It didn't even take her long to get to the compound, and no one would take much notice, just think she was a stray dog.

After Barton had left her apartment, she had locked Friday down, and rescinded Hills status, the woman would be furious, but then again, she was on the wrong side.

Slipping through the open door on the west side of the building, Trix trotted through, sniffing out her target. By the time the heroes get back, this woman would be one less problem. Finding Romanoffs room, Trix shifted back, and grabbed some clothes, they were the same size, even the boots.

Once she was dressed, Trix headed out, and straight to Starks lab and office, knowing exactly where Hill was. She knew she had a good 20 minutes, before they were back, and she was going take good use of that time.

Hearing the frustrated mutters before she even rounded the corner, Trix smirked, folding her arms as she stepped out... 'Problem, agent Hill?..'.. She saw the woman straighten, clearly irritated she couldn't get into the lab... 'I don't believe that's your lab, or office. Now, we are going somewhere..'

She saw the womans eyes narrow at her, one hand holding a tablet, the other creeping to her gun on her hip... 'Benson. Feel I should be surprised you're here, but I'm really not. Breaking and entering the Avengers compound, theft. Hmm..'.. She knew Hill was trying to distract her, to get her gun... 'And yet, you'll get away with it, you always do..'

Trix chuckled as the woman took aim and shot at her head, but the stunned look on Hills face, seeing Trix dodge the bullet was priceless... 'You wanna try again, I think you missed..'.. She taunted Hill, who let off another three shots, each one Trix moved out of the way. She could see them coming, feel the air thicken as the came at her. Bullets were fast, but she was faster.

'How are you doing that?..'... Hill had dropped the tablet, now holding the gun with two hands.

Trix could smell her hesitancy and a little bit of fear, which made her grin wickedly... 'Let's talk..'.. She went for the woman, moving so fast that Hill didn't see it, gripping the gun in one hand, and slamming the womans head to the wall next to her, body dropping to the floor. Trix sighed, slipping the gun in the back of the jeans, and picking Hills body up, slinging it over one shoulder and the tablet in her other hand. This was going to be so much fun...


Loki watched Tony pace back and forth on the jet. He was really angry himself, after seeing what Tony had been upto. Coulson, the agent Loki thought he had killed, was in fact alive and well buy the looks of it, but hearing what they told Tony, Loki already knew what these enhanced individuals were. He would fill Thor in once they were back, but right now, he had to keep Tony's thoughts from being heard by the little witch, sat across.

'I know you're doing something..'.. She frowned at him as he glanced over... 'You're hiding what he knows..'

Nat looked between Loki and Wanda... 'What?..'

'Steve wanted me to read Tony, to be sure it was really him, but when we stepped off the jet, I felt Lokis magic on Tony, he's hiding him..'... Wanda nodded to Loki.

'Not for you to know darling..'.. Loki scowled back.

'Look, we're a team, and we don't keep secrets. Whatever is going on, and clearly there is something, we all have a right to know..'.. Steve folded his arms.

'No..'.. Tony stopped pacing, looking around at them all... 'Look, I'd like to tell you, but right now, I can't. I need you to trust me on this, Fury and Hill, we can't trust them. When we get back, we need to get her into holding, straight away, we need answers...'

'She may have played us, but she's not given us a reason not to trust her..'.. Sam shook his head.

'Your little crush is blinding you Wilson..'.. Tony turns to him... 'They have been playing us, since New York. There's so much more to this, than any of you know, but we won't be doing what them or the government tells us anymore..'

'Doing that, we'll be disbanded, right? I mean..'.. Sam gestured to Bucky, Loki, Nat and the twins... 'The conditions set were that as long as they were on the team, then they were good. What will happen to them?..'

Tony thought it over, and he knew right then, the team wouldn't be broken... 'We'll be fine, no one will break the team..'

'Oh yeah?..'.. Bucky snarked... 'What makes you so sure? Got immunity for us hidden away in that jacket?..'.. Bucky nodded to Tony, who just chuckled, Coulsons words, to work with Trix rang in his head.

'Because she won't let it happen..'... He looked around at them all, his eyes falling on Loki... 'We need to talk when we're back..'

'Mark my words Stark, I am taking first swing at Fury..'.. Lokis eyes darkened and Tony nodded, that was fair. The god had spent years feeling the guilt and heavy burden over his actions, and from his words, Tony knew he had seen Coulson in his mind.

'I'll hold him for you, just make sure it's a good one..'.. Tony smirked and he saw Loki chuckle. Wow, who knew that was what cracked through that icyness between them.


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