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Trix hissed again as she was hauled from the vehicle and stabbed in the side again. Nausea hit her hard, and her stomach rolled, ready to hurl the contents up and all over who held her. She couldn't make out where she was, the blade they were using was mercury coated in wolfbane, was affecting her. Trix was thankful she had been injesting small amounts of every day, for years to build up enough of a tolerance. Had she not, she'd have been unconscious the first time they stabbed her.

'You know, your social skills suck more than I do..'.. She groaned, trying to focus. Everything sounded loud, and the lights were blurry dots in her vison. She couldn't focus to smell her surroundings either. They had dragged her from the vehicle, and were shoving her forward, each one holding onto her arms, as her hands were still cuffed behind her back... 'What? Dog got your tongues?..'.. She chuckled, her words slurring slightly, trying to listen, maybe she could figure out where they were taking her... 'You guys are boring..'.. She grunted as she got tossed, hard and she hit the ground, tasting blood in her mouth. She gritted her teeth from the pain of her now dislocated left shoulder... 'Wow, kinky..'

'Shut up!..'.. One of them kicked her hand in the stomach, drving the wind from her lungs. Trix tried to suck in a breath, darkness clouding her vision, and her ears ringing. She couldn't pass out, she had to fight to remain conscious. She didn't know what they were doing or where they'd take her, she needed to let her teams know.


'Its right there!..'.. Coulson glanced to Daisy as she shouted it, pointing to the small plane that started its run back down the runway to take off. He didn't take his foot off the gas as he plowed through the fence, heading straight for it. May had informed him that she was bringing the bus down, to block the take off, but at the moment, he worried they would be too late.

'Quake it..'.. He said, glancing to Daisy again... 'We get close enough, quake the plane..'

'Trix is on it! It's too dangerous..'.. She said, hanging on to the handle above her head as he yanked the wheel left, spinning the car and shifting gear, setting off onto the runway towards the plane.

'Just do it! Trix can handle it..'.. He said, hitting the button for her window... 'If they take off, what they'll do to her will be worse than you quaking her..'

Daisy let out a worried breath, but unbuckled herself, shifting to lean out the window. The wind was whipping past her, and she held her arm out, trying to focus on the plane coming towards them. She didn't want to hurt her friend, but she trusted Coulson, hoping he was right, that Trix would be ok.

Focusing her power, she sent out a ripple of tremors, trying to slow it down, and disrupt the engines, but it was still coming... 'Daisy! Break it!..'.. Coulson called to her, and she concentrated, sending a blast right at the plane. Her mouth opened in shock, by the way it flicked back, crashing to the ground upside down... 'Get in!..'

Shifting back into her seat, she scowled across at him... 'You know, you don't have to bark orders like that, this isn't like you..'

'Sorry..'.. He sighed, heading straight for the crashed plane... 'The plan won't work if they take her..'.. Both hear May in their ears, confirming that the bus was landing behind them. He pulls the car up, as flames started to flicker from the plane. He pulled his gun and got out, just as Daisy did... 'We don't know what they are, don't drop your guard..'... He flicked the safety off, and moved cautiously towards the plane.

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