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Trix sat in the back of the car next to Victor, looking out the window as they headed to wherever the hell he was taking her and Wade, who was still unconscious in the trunk. She kept her focus on where they were going so Whistler could track them, and inform the others.

Messages had crept into her vision, keeping her updated on everything. Raven was now playing Agent Romanoff, going to the Avengers compound, while the real one was cuffed and drugged in her office. That was one situation she would take care of when she got back.

'I got to admit, you are very shrewd with how you played this..'.. Victor chuckled next to her.

'I bided my time. I want to bring the world to its knees, looking up at me as though I'm their saviour..'.. She smirked, looking over to him... 'The reason Hydra have failed many times, is because they had a man do a womans job. All I had to do, was bat my eyelashes, and I had the soldier panting for me..'

Victor and the two in the front laughed... 'You know, you might be right about that. Maybe we should have a woman rule..'

'Not just a woman, a queen, and that is exactly what I intend. I am the queen, and I have many moves to make..'.. She looked out the window, as they headed further to the edge of the city, towards New Jersey.

'I underestimated you Blue, I had you on stage, when I should have had you by my side..'.. He put his hand on her thigh, sliding it up. Before he had a chance to get further, she had reached out, gripping the back of his neck and slamming his face into the headrest in front of him, her other hand gripping the one on her thigh, bending his fingers back.

'I told you, I am a queen, not a pawn to be played with, you will show me respect, or I will break your hand..'... She smiled sweetly, noticing the two in front look at each other, while Victor tried to stem his nose bleed.

'Of course..'.. He hissed out in pain.

'Yes, my queen..'... She bent his fingers further until he grunted.

'Yes my queen..'.. She let him go, and looked back out the window, smirking to herself as Whistler cheered her in a message. She had just made herself known, made them intrigued, gaining their attention, just like she wanted.

She knew if she didn't, they would try to kill her, thinking she was working above her station. The car turned onto a dirt track, and that's when she knew exactly where they were going, Camp Leigh. Of course, where better to hide, than the old abandoned army base.

When they finally made it to the old rundown buildings, the car stopped, and the men got out, learning their lesson. One opened the door for her, holding his hand out to assist. She nodded to him, and took it, stepping out and looking around. This was perfect, she could make a lot of noise here, and no one would come running.

'Get him out, and let's go, before he wakes up. I really don't feel like putting a bullet in his leg to stop him from running off..'.. She snapped her fingers to the trunk, the two men jumping straight to do as they were told.

'Commanding attention already, where have you been all this time?..'.. Victor chuckled, wiping the last of the blood away, watching his men drag the soldier from the trunk.

'Watching, waiting. I will own this world, and no one will stop me, not even those fucking useless mutts everyone calls heroes. I have plans for them..'.. She grinned wickedly at Victor... 'I will watch them tear each other apart, from the inside. All it takes, is just one. And I plan on going for Stark..'

She watched the men drag Wade off to a building as she fell in behind them, as Victor walked with her... 'Starks guilt over his past actions, coupled with paranoia and fear, his constant need to prove he's right, that's where I'll hit him. I'll bring him to his knees, and his company, feeding into his fears of losing, then I'll go for the captain. The two can hardly agree on anything, so I'll make him doubt Stark, couple that with watching his best friend..'.. Trix gestured to the unconscious man being hauled inside... 'Become Hydras pet once again..'

'You are vicious, you will fit in well here..'.. Victor held the door open for her, and she walked in, following the men. She spun what she could, making them see that she would be an asset. She wouldn't really harm the Avengers, in fact, she wanted nothing to do with them, all she wanted was Pierce. She knew what he did, knew what he had cost her, and she wanted to bring him to the edge of death, begging for mercy before watching his life, drain from his eyes.

'I don't plan on fitting in, I plan on taking control..'.. She stopped behind the men, her eyes flittering around, as Victor moved forward, and opened a hidden door. Behind it, was an elevator, which she assumed would take them down somewhere.

This wasn't what she expected, but she would adapt, no problem. If she had to shift and rip throats out, that wasn't an issue, she would kill them all, and blow the place to hell.


Tony looked across to Nat as she sat there in silence, wasn't like her, but he sighed, shaking his head... 'Did you tell her anything?..'

'Like what? You really think I'd screw things up for this team? For Banner?..'.. She gestured to the man across from her in the lab.

'Since when do you call him Banner?..'.. Tony frowned at her.

'Bruce, Banner, Doc, Hulk. Really not in the mood to be corrected here Tony. Look, I won't say shit to anyone, that's not my business to tell..'.. Raven mentally scolded herself for slipping up... 'Trix has a crowd in tonight, which makes me think, she's covering for an alibi or something..'

'What do you mean?..'.. Bruce asked.

'Last time, she had a crowd in, we accused her of being Max, right? So, could Max be doing something, and Trix has some motive?..'.. Raven sighed.

'Look, I don't know what's going on. But you stormed out of here, and headed straight there. Why?..'.. Tony folded his arms.

'Wanted to find out the truth..'.. He saw Nat shrug... 'Don't you want to know?..'

Raven had a message from Whistler, just one word, a name, and that's when she knew, this lot were close to the truth of Trix. She had to throw them off, somehow... 'She gave me a lead on Reaper, said that a contact of hers had gone missing..'.. Now she was making up a lie, hoping they would bite... 'She wouldn't give me her contacts name, but said that whispers of Reaper, they're in Boston right now. Going after someone called Patrick Kegan. We get a hold of Kegan, we find Reaper..'

Tony quickly turned to his computer, checking the name, and Nat was right, Kegan was linked to a lot of criminal activities, someone who would be on Reapers hitlist... 'Then get your shit together, you're on this mission. Meeting in 30. Friday, have everyone in the conference room in 30 minutes..'

'Nat..'.. Raven looked over to Banner... 'Please don't tell anyone what you heard, we need to know more first..'

She gave him a small smile and a nod, standing up and heading to the door... 'Trust me Bruce, I won't tell a soul..'.. She walked out, heading to what would be agent Romanoffs room.

Tony smirked, glancing to Bruce... 'Romanoff going off to defend you, why ain't you chasing her down and saying thanks?..'

'Tony, can we not..'.. Bruce ran a hand over his face... 'Let's just sort this mess out first..'

Tony chuckled, and began to pull information about this Kegan guy, and his associates. If this was a step closer to getting Reaper, they would take it.


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