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Trix tossed her bag on her couch, and dropped into her chair. Her whole body still felt the effects, and she rolled her shoulders, trying to ease the aches. The shot was a success, and she now had a small case with her, with extras should she need them. Driving back from LA to New York was a pain in the ass, but she couldn't get on a flight with the case, knowing security would've confiscated it.

Closing her eyes, she was exhausted, it had been a long 72 hours and she had barely slept. Being down in the basement, and fighting through the shifting was hard, but she didn't turn thankfully. It wasn't Russels fault, she was the one who had found him, and she got caught in the crossfire as he turned.

This was her price to pay, for digging into a world, she wasn't prepared for, but as least her affliction wasn't as bad. She had control when she did turn, was aware of what she was doing. Plus it helped that she didn't look like a complete freak, more of a large black dog.

Having Hannibal nickname her as Fido, it made her laugh. He was a good guy, but not one she would ever consider more than a hookup.

Hearing a knock on her door, she sat up and called Benny in... 'Glad you're back..'.. Trix liked the guy, he never asked questions about what she did or where she went. His point being that if he didn't know, he couldn't answer, if anyone asked about her... 'I put in orders, and sent the invoices through..'.. He dropped into one of the chairs, in front of her desk, and pulled a small card from his pocket... 'Had a vistor when you were gone..'.. He slid it across.

Trix rolled her eyes, seeing the card... 'My answer to them is still the same. Bet you and the old guys pissed them off..'

Benny chuckled, nodding... 'Artie made a scene, which was fun, and John hit on the girl..'

'I bet, shame I wasn't around to see it..'... Trix stood and went to her little fridge for a beer and sat back down... 'They're relentless, I'll give them that..'

'If you need help Trix, we got your back..'.. Benny gave her his famous 'dad' look.

'I appreciate that, but I keep you all out of it for a reason. This isn't anything you want to get into. Besides, no one else can run this place better than you..'.. She tipped her bottle to him.

'Jones called, left a message. Said she's got a case she needs help with..'.. He gestured to her notepad.

'I'll call her soon. Anything else happen?..'.. She snapped the lid off and took a long pull of it.

'Had some young punks in, but we put them out after trying to get all pushy with a young girl and her friends..'.. Benny stands up... 'Good thing you weren't here really, nothing got broken..'

'The night is still young..'.. She said, making him chuckle as he headed out. Sighing to herself, she put her drink down, and picked up her phone, dialling Jones' number, who picked up on the third ring... 'What you got?..'


'New footage of Reaper, in LA, in a club. Seems there was a fight breaking out. Civilians said that there was another with Reaper, a man dressed in a long leather jacket, two swords. From the description, it's someone called Blade. Authorities haven't been able to apprehend him, but it seems as though he's an acquaintance of Reapers..'... Hill pulled up the footage. It wasn't a lot, as someone tried to wipe the footage, but the 13 seconds that they had showed people running to the exits in the club, and the team saw Reaper cut someone's throat before it cut out.

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